Chapter 10

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It's been a few weeks since Namjoon left. You never asked Yoongi what happened when he drove Namjoon to the train station. Yoongi and you went back to normal, and pretended as if nothing happened. Namjoon became a taboo subject in his apartment. You knew better than to piss off your brother, and you knew that he did everything for you. He went back to the same lazy old man who stays home on Friday nights, except for the constant checking up on you, to make sure the mysterious man doesn't come back to hurt you. Since Namjoon left, the man hasn't made a move yet. Maybe you guys scared him off. But since Yoongi is protective, he's taking turn with his partner, Hoseok, to survey the area near where you live and work. Hoseok was always a happy and cheerful person, you couldn't imagine him being in a gang. It feels like you really know nothing.

But not a day went by that you didn't think about the tall man. His smile, his dimples, his raspy voice, his touch. You really should forget about him, considering he doesn't like you at all and you were probably a burden for him. But you couldn't shake off the feeling that he wasn't telling you the whole story. But he moved on, and you should go back to the way you were before you met him. If that was even possible. The fact that you were almost his wife. It gave you a warm feeling, but that quickly shattered when you remembered that it was an arranged marriage, not out of love.

"Unnie, are you okay?" Lisa asked. You were at the apartment, eating dinner across from the blonde hair girl. She really does look like a model, unlike you.

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"Because you're trying to eat your soup with a fork." You immediately dropped the fork in your hand, it made a splash into the soup, which then created a mess on the table.

"Oh, I'll clean that up."

"Unnie," she said again, this time, reaching out for your hand. "You know you can tell me things, right? I know I'm still a kid, but I am your best friend, and I will help you as much as I can."

"Thank you. Honestly, I don't even know what's going on myself."

"Is it about Namjoon-ssi?"

You tried to deny it, but her bright eyes force you to give in. You nodded and told her the whole story, minus the part that you were beat up and the man coming back to kill you. You just told her it was an accident and you lost your memory because of it. Lisa's eyes was pretty watery by the end. She's a very emotional person, if you had told her what really happened, she'll sleep with you for the next couple of months to make sure you're okay.

"I can't believe Taehyung was in a gang. He seems like a such scaredy cat." Lisa said, half laughing.

"Yeah, things aren't what it seems, apparently."

"And Yoongi oppa, I can't imagine him being violent. But if it's for you, then maybe it's understandable." You nodded. "Are you okay, unnie?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I should be. He doesn't like me, yet I'm so hung up on him. I can't remember anything about him, so I shouldn't have any emotional attachment to him. But when he was around, it felt so familiar and my heart was all tingly. And now he's gone, he probably forgot about me already." You laid your head on the table, partly because you were tired, but really you were trying to hide your tears from Lisa.

"Unnie, I think he's lying to you."


"Namjoon-ssi. I don't think he's telling you the truth about his feelings."
"He has no reason to lie to me, not anymore."

"But when I was with Taehyung, he told me about his brother. How he lost the one he loved because he was a coward, and Tae didn't want to make the same mistake, so that's why left me."

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