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The next day, at the appointed time, Zakiyya was relaxed, it was as if she had forgotten the appointment. I said to her  'Ke(meaning you) you are forgetting something. Shouldn't we be somewhere?

'No, I don't think it is a good idea. What if Hajiya finds out! I don't think I will be going. Besides he may be lying about liking me, why will he just like me?'

"We are going, even if I have to drag you by the neck. Think about it. Let's just go and see what he is up to. As for Hajiya she still calls you Halima or Maryam, I don't think she would notice. Don't know how to break it to you but  you are the least of her interests"

"I still don't think it is a bright idea" she murmured

She was used to being bullied and pushed around all her life.
"Get ready" my pushy self said.

I manage to sufficiently bully her into going. She  wore her veil and followed behind me as we crept out.

We were at the agreed meeting point, but He was not there.

Zakiyya started with her rambling,
"I told you it was a bad idea, he would never show up, I was nothing but a joke. Let's just leave already"

"Leave to where empress?"
We heard the sufficiently familiar husky manly voice say from behind us.

We turned swiftly, showing little respect for our necks, because the force with which we turned may break our necks

"You are late" I said

"No, I'm on time, you girls are early, I don't blame you, you were too eager to see this handsome face"he replies

"How is my Empress doing?" He asked

Zakiyya started giggling her head moving in sync like a pigeon. I stared at her while He smiles at her affectionately.

"My God! You are beautiful" he exclaimed

Bringing her back from the land of her endless giggles.

"You know, it will be nice if you will actually talk to me, I know I'm handsome and all. But work with me here. Try and actually talk. It's actually easy if you could at least try" He said

" I can talk, I'm not a mute and you are not even handsome" she said angrily

He was amused. He came closer, closer than necessary if you ask me and said

" oh yeah, are you sure, say it again"

she suddenly lost her bravado and started looking at all his facial features. He did not talk again, he only smirked

Then in a weak tone, she said "you are not handsome"

"You hesitated, I win"  he said, laughing uncontrollably.

He now puts his hands in his pocket and brought out a small phone. He said to her "this is yours, I will call you when I want us to meet" he gave her a charger and explained to her how it works.

"Thank you" she finally says

"Anything for my Empress, and my name is Ja'far, I know you've been wondering" he replies

A Weakness Called Love: Memoirs of an African HousemaidWhere stories live. Discover now