Chapter 32: Love Prevails

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My father had been disturbed about the conversation I had with my mother. Finally, my mother called me and told me the most beautiful words I have ever heard in my entire life
"Ladi, listen to me carefully" she started
"Your father had reconsidered his position, He is willing to let you marry Mudi"

I jumped in utter joy, tears of happiness flowed freely.
"But, listen. You will marry Mudi on one condition."

Whatever the condition was, I was willing to fulfill it. No matter how hard it may be. I can do it. There is no condition that can scare me, or make me change my mind.

"Yes, Iya!, What is it" I said eagerly cutting her off before she finished the sentence.

"Hmmm, girls of nowadays are not shy at all" she said jokingly, smiling.

"Well, you have to raise the money for the wedding, God knows selling food won't work, we've tried it, and we failed. You have to go to town, and for once in your life stay and get paid. Otherwise you can say bye bye to Mudi, forever"

The task is great. But I will do it. I will endure by the Grace of God. God will see me through. Marriage is a very important religious devotion. I had grown up learning the importance of marriage. It is said that whoever marry will enter heaven easily. It is even said that once a person gets married all his sins are forgiven. The heaven of a married woman is beneath her husband's feet, a submissive wife therefore will be granted heaven. once a woman is married she has fulfills half of her religious obligation. A dutiful wife no doubt is an adornment, a prized artifact that is celebrated and praised. To be a dutiful, submissive and subservient wife is the highest honor a woman can achieve.

The truth is, I yearn to be a married woman for as long as I can remember. The desire has been there throughout my existence. I had dreamed of it my whole life. It has always been my future ambition. A husband is the greatest adornment any woman can possess. He signals her success in life. An unmarried woman is a failure.

As fate will have it, circumstances have delayed that honor. I hadn't had a boyfriend before Mudi. Mudi gives me hope in attaining this highest rank. For he is my golden ticket to heaven in the afterlife and my gate pass to respect in this world. He is my path to progeny. The key to living my print in this world. I thanks God everyday for bestowing such favor and blessing upon me. The favor and blessing being my Mudi. What better blessing can I ever ask God for. I can finally reap the fruits of my labor.

My parents had finally decided to give way to the inevitable. Perhaps it is because it is said, when people stand in the way of marriage, God ordains death on them, they die and the marriage takes place. Maybe that was what made my parents see the light. Whatever the reason behind their acceptance, I don't care. I only care about the consequences of the decision, my sweet and long awaited marriage. Finally, it is becoming real.

I was beside myself with excitement. I will soon leave the status of a very elderly unmarried woman. I am already 16, God! Being unmarried at such a mature age had been difficult. I had to share such great news with Shatu. This calls for celebration. Mudi needs to know about this great development. Finally, I shall be known as Mudi's wife.

I was off to Shatu's. The weather was cool, the trees danced, the wind blew soft breeze upon my face, the birds sang melodiously. Even nature was sharing my joy. Today, the chirping of the birds did not offend me. How would it? After all they were all sharing in my joy. Nature had cast a good omen. My marriage to Mudi shall be blessed.

I shared my news with Shatu. Shatu was very pleased and happy for me. She informed her mother immediately. For such greats news had to be shared. Her mother was overjoyed.

"Finally, honor will come to your mother. I pray That God bestows that honor on me also. I pray your GoodLuck rubs on Shatu. " she said raising her hands in prayer.

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