"I'm growing to like the sound of it" [CHAPTER 4]

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Chapter 4:


The next day, Mr. Elijah was once again quiet and he seemed irritated at something. He was fidgety too.

What the heck is wrong with him? Just yesterday he was back to normal. But now he’s all serious and didn’t talk much again. What happened?!

About half way through the lesson he stopped the class and announced that we’re going to have a surprise test on graphs. And guess what? They were surprised indeed. Luckily for me though, I already knew about the test because Mr. Elijah told me during our session on Tuesday, so I had time to revise for it. I know it’s not fair, but it’s really not my fault at all.

“Put your pens down.” He said to the class, but atleast 5 students didn’t listen and continued to write things down.

“I said put your pens down.” He said loudly sounding a little bit annoyed, which made everyone quiet down into complete silence.

The whole class, especially me, was shocked at his tone.

What the f*ck sir! What an impatient bastard!

“Now. Listen. We’ve done a lot of work with graphs. So I thought I’d test all of you on how much you understand graphs.” He started to say as he took the pile of papers from his desk and then started to give one sheet to each and everyone of us.

“As soon as you finish, you can leave. But I want all of you to attempt all of the questions.” He said as he gave out the last sheet which is mine.

“Goodluck” He finally said and with that the class started to answer the questions.

The first three questions were pretty easy and it only took me about five minutes to answer all three of them, but the next four questions were a lot harder and I needed more time to think and answer them.

By the time it was about fifteen minutes before the lesson was supposed to end, only three students including me were left and I was still on question eight.

About another five more minutes the two other students left together and I was left alone and I was now on question nine.

You know you’re stupid when you’re the last one to finish, but you’re the only one who had extra lessons.

This is so embarrassing!

“Stop.” I heard him say.

“No sir, I can do this.” I said without looking at him and just continued to think.

“I said stop.” He said louder, anger clearly heard on his voice. His tone startled me abit causing me to do what he told me. I stopped writing and then put my pen down. I didn't look at him.

I heard him get up from his seat and then walked until he was in front of my table.

I slowly looked at him as he took my answer sheet. He looked annoyed and a bit angry. Damn... He still looks hot. In fact he looks hotter when he looks annoyed and angry.

“I knew you’d be the last one.” He said. His annoyed and angry expression disappeared and it was replaced with a smile.

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