Deimos (Kassandra) X Male Reader

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(F/N) did another pull up on the loose cement. He felt the sharp rock cut into his skin, he cringed as the blood slowly ran down his arm. But he wasn't ready to stop, not yet, the blood wouldn't deter him. (F/N) did another pull up, his arms were shacking and they felt sore. (F/N) finally reached his goal, he let go of the crack in the ceiling and fell to the floor.

As soon as he had done so, a man in a black robe with a white mask came to his cell door. He tossed a piece of raw meat through the opening of the door. "Eat that, dog!"

(F/N) sighed, and picked up the piece of meat, his bear chest was glistening with sweat, and he was still rising and falling from his breathing. He walked over to the cell door and said, "Cook this, cultist."

The cult member narrowed his eyes through his white mask, "What did you say to me? Worm!"

(F/N) scoffed, "I said...Cook the meat, do you not know what cooking is? Put it over a fire." (F/N) held the meat through the bars.

The cultist was clearly angry, "What makes you think I have to cater to you? You're a prisoner of the Cult!"

(F/N) smiled, and nodded, "That's true. But I'm her favorite prisoner for a reason. And how do you think she will react if I tell her you've been trying to poison her favorite with raw meat?"

The change in the cultists demeanor was almost instant, (F/N) could see the fear in his eyes. The cultist slowly reached out his hand and took the meat from (F/N), he smiled. "Please hurry, I'm hungry."

The cultist grumbled to himself as he left the long row of cells. (F/N) watched him leave, the torch that was attached to the wall allowed him to see down the hallway. (F/N) moved away from the cell door and thought about his situation, he liked it here a lot. It was better than fighting in the Spartan Army. He had someone who would serve his every need, and he was alone most of the time which was nice. There was just one drawback, which was...(F/N)'s thoughts were interrupted when he heard loud footsteps that sounded like someone was stomping.

Then he heard someone yelling in terror, it was the cultist who had tried to intimidate (F/N). The man sat down in his cell, suddenly the screaming stopped, it was replaced by the sound of someone choking. Then everything went quiet, (F/N) sighed, he heard footsteps. If he had to guess they more than likely belonged to the one drawback of being here.

Deimos walked in front of (F/N)'s cell, her brown braided hair was slung over her shoulder. Her golden armor reflected the light that came from the fire on the wall. She was a strong warrior, she was the only one (F/N) feared. Deimos looked down at the cell door and unlocked it. She walked in, her mere presence quickened (F/N)'s heart.

Deimos looked at (F/N), "Up," (F/N) stood up immediately, the man had to be at least one pous taller than her, and his muscles were obviously stronger. But the woman that stood before him was stronger than he could ever know. (F/N) bowed his head respectively at Deimos, he shook slightly as she approached.

She tossed something at his feet, it squished slightly when it hit the floor, (F/N) swallowed when he saw that it was a severed head. It belonged to the cultist he had just seen, (F/N) licked his lips, "You killed him?"

Deimos smiled, she walked forward and put her hand on his arm, "He wasn't worthy of you, my love." (F/N) kicked the head away, "Thank you, I appreciate that, Deimos."

Deimos frowned, her olive skin looked beautiful as it shinned in the light from the torch on the wall. "My love, I've told you. You may call me Kassandra when we are together."

(F/N) faked a smile, "Of course, my love." Kassandra smiled, she moved her hands and held (F/N)'s hands she noticed the blood. Kassandra smiled, "You still find ways to draw your blood, you are a warrior. Ever since I met you, you've fought, that's what I love about you. You never rest."

Kassandra smirked slightly, "kneel, my love."

(F/N) did as he was told, he knew what she was planning to do. Kassandra watched as he knelled in front of her. She smiled, then she moved down, and kissed him. The kiss was very one sided, but Kassandra still seemed to enjoy it. But Kassandra wasn't finished, suddenly she shoved (F/N) to the stone ground. Before (F/N) could catch his breath, Kassandra was already on him.

The fire from the torch wasn't the only sound that came from (F/N)'s cell that night.

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