Chapter One

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I was walking through town and sighed as my stomach growled. I haven't eaten in days. I always give my food to the younger kids since Frank, the bully, steals theirs. I was wearing my black jeans with rips in them and a blue and grey jacket. I was wearing my black shoes and my favorite hat which had the American flag in black and white on it. It was midnight and no one was out so I went to the park. I got there and sat on the swing with my music playing in my ear buds. I sighed and swung my feet a little.

I'm having a bad night. I was beat up at school and the orphanage today. Didn't eat anything all day and I'm having memories of my parents. My mom died of cancer when I was four. My dad died while he was deployed for war when I was six. I remember playing soccer with them and baseball. I remember singing and dancing with them. Putting on our own little concerts. I had a little brother too. He was a year younger than me. Our aunt and uncle took him in. They didn't take me too since they could only take one. I'm glad they took him, gave him a better life. And in all reality, we could've gone to live with our real dad but he didn't know we existed and they just threw me in the orphanage and gave my brother to our aunt and uncle. It's whatever though. My brother and I keep in touch but we haven't seen each other since I was six and he was five.

I sat on the swing for a while until I saw someone walk up to me. I looked up and saw not one but four people. I turned on my flashlight and shined it at them. "Hi," I said as I saw it was the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Natasha and Bucky to be exact. "Hey kiddo, what are you doing out this late?" Steve asked. "Swinging," I answered. Tony chuckled. "Well, why aren't you home, sleeping?" Steve asked again. "Cause I didn't want to," I shrugged and stood up. I stretched my arms up. "What?" I asked as I saw them look at me in shock. I looked down and saw my shirt rose up a little exposing my scar. I quickly pulled my shirt down and walked to the open area.

"You should really be home kid," Natasha said. "You should really not tell me what to do lady," was my replied as I walked to the monkey bars. I did a muscle up and stood on the bar. "Don't be snarky," Tony said and looked at me. "Don't be bossy," I replied and crossed my arms, looking down at them. Bucky raised his eye brows at me. I did the same in return. Then I smiled and did a back layout off the bar.

"Have a good night," I smiled. "Now leave me alone," I added as dropped my smile and walked away. I was walking away when I was grabbed. "Oh my fucking god!" I yelled and tried to get from the grip. "Noah stop!"  Bucky growled. How does he know my name? "How do you know my name?" I asked. "Cause we adopted you! When we found out you weren't even at the orphanage all day we had to look for you," Tony said. My face fell and I tried harder to get free. "Let me go!" I screamed and tried to pull free. Steve just walked up and threw me over his shoulder. "Let me go you stupid shit!" I yelled and punched his back. "Noah Lee you better quit now before you find yourself over my lap!" Steve warned. I stopped hitting him and just let my head hang. I hate this.

We got to their car and I was sat in the middle of Steve and Bucky, Tony was driving with Natasha in passenger. "Why were you out so late?" Steve asked. I didn't answer. I just pulled my right knee to my chest and rested my chin on my knee. I looked up at him with my big Brown eyes. He ruffled my hair and I growled at him. "Ow!" I yelped when I felt Bucky slap my leg. "Don't growl at us!" He warned. I sighed, my sighed sounded very depressing too, and sat there.

I pulled my phone out along with my ear buds and listened to my music. I started to feel tired and I subconsciously leaned against Buckys shoulder. I felt him kiss my head and I drifted to sleep.

I woke up and I was in a bed in a place I don't know! I shot up and looked around. "Good morning Noah," I heard a voice. I looked at the door and saw Tony standing there. I jumped out of the bed and noticed I wasn't wearing my jeans anymore. I was in some Avengers pajama pants and an Ironman shirt. I started to breath heavily. "How did I get in this?" I asked trying to calm down. "I changed you so you would be more comfortable," He told me. "You- you had n-no right to- to do that!" I sniffles and tried to calm down from my panic attack. "Hey, calm down, you're okay!" He said gently and started to walk towards me. Out of instinct I dodge him and ran out of the room. "Noah!" I heard him yell after me. I ran into a large room where the Avengers where sitting! "Hey, Noah!" Steve smiled at me. I heard Tony coming and I felt tears sting my eyes.

I started running from him as he fell closer. I ran to the elevator but I was grabbed. "No! Let me go!" I screamed. "Shh, calm down," I heard them say in a soft and gentle tone. I tried to get away from them but they just held me. I couldn't hold it and I sobbed out. I haven't cried since I was six. My knees gave out and they slowly sat on the ground with me in their lap. They ran their hand threw my hair and coo'd soft nothings in my ear. I slowly stopped crying and was now just sniffling.

"What was that about?" I heard someone ask. "I think he panicked when he found out I changed him from his jeans to his pajamas last night," Tony said. I whimpered when I felt myself being lifted up. "Shh, it's okay baby!" I heard Bucky say softly. He carried me to the couch and he sat down with me in his lap. I let out a shaky breathe and tried to get up but he would let me go. "Let me go Bucky," I said quietly. "No," he said and held me closer to him. I held back tears and closed my eyes to calm down. I just kept it held in.

"Sir, I believe Noah is on the verge of another panic attack," I heard. Everyone's eyes went on me. "Friday, get me his vitals," Tony said. "Yes sir," the voice said. My eyes started to get heavy from how tired I've suddenly become. "Shh, go to sleep baby, you're okay," Bucky said gently and rocked side to side. My eyes started to fall and I soon fell asleep on Buckys lap. God please let this all be a bad dream!

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