Chapter Two

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I woke up and I was in the room I woke up in before. I sighed sadly and sat up. I got up and went to the bathroom that was connected to the room.

I looked in the mirror and I looked like absolute trash! My medium length Brown hair a mess and my eyes red and puffy from crying.

I went back to my room and looked through the dressers. I frowned when I saw my clothes from the orphanage where here. "F- Friday?" I asked, wondering if I was imagining Tony talking to an AI. "Good morning, Noah." She responded. "Hm," I hummed. "Did Tony and them take my clothes from the orphanage?" I asked her. "Yes, sir," she replied.

I nodded and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and clean boxer briefs, along with socks. I went to the closet and saw all my shirts and hoodies. I do have a lot of clothes for an orphan. That's cause when they tried to get rid of some of them, they ended up in the hospital. I love clothes and fashion. Anyway, I grabbed my black shirt that says Some people are gay get over it on it. I grabbed my black boots and went to the bathroom again.

I undressed and got in the shower, letting the warm water relax my tense muscles. "Hey, Friday?" I asked. "Yes, sir?" She replied. "Can you play music?" I asked. "Yes, sir. What would you like me to play?" She asked me. "Can you play, Relapes by: Divided By Friday?" I asked. There wasn't a response but the music started to play. I smiled and showered, subconsciously singing along.

I finished my shower quickly. I always do. My showers are never longer than ten minutes. I looked in the mirror and I smiled, seeing my eyes looked normal again and my hair is only a mess because it's wet. I dried off got dressed. I opened the cabinet and smiled when I saw a blowdryer. Of course. Bucky has long hair, of course they have a blowdryer here.

I grabbed it and dried my hair and brushed it. My hair isn't as long at Buckys but it is kinda long. Do you know who Colby Brock is? Well, my hair is kinda like that. My hair is curly-ish today. Like not curly but not straight either. Ha, not straight. Kinda like me? I laughed at my thought before walking out of the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom and made sure to grab my rainbow-ish ring off of my nightstand.

I sighed and opened the door. I walked out and towards the way I went yesterday. It wasn't long before I was standing in the living room. I looked around and saw that no one was in the living room. I'm a lot more calm today. I feel like myself today, which isn't that good for others.

"Ow! Damn it!" I heard. I furrowed my eye brows together and walked towards the scream. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tony with a piece of ice on his finger and Bucky cooking. "This is why I don't cook!" Tony said. "Oh hush!" Bucky chuckled, not taking his eyes off of whatever he was making. I smirked as an evil plan came to mind.

I silently crept over to the counter that Tony was leaning against and silently climbed on top of it. I silently crawled to where I was sitting behind him and sat Indian style. I leaned close and whispered in his ear.

"He's coming." I whispered. "OH MY GOD!" He screamed and jumped forward and Bucky turned around, startled by Tonys suddenly scream. "Oh my god that was hilarious!" I laughed and fell backwards so I was laying on the counter. "Oh that was perfect!" I laughed. "That wasn't funny Noah!" Tony said. "You're right," I sighed and sat up.

"It was fucking hilarious!" I smiled and started laughing again. "It was kinda funny," I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Natasha, I think, standing there with a smirk. "Where you in on this?!" Tony asked her. "Oh no! That was all him!" She said and pointed to me. "Heha!" I said and jumped off the counter.

"Bucky!" Tony whined. "Oh calm down, Tony, it was just a joke!" Bucky said now laughing lightly. Tony huffed and leaned against the counter top. "It was mean," He muttered and put the ice back on his finger. "Oh, Bucky! I wanna tell you a secret!" I smirked. "What is it?" He asked. I made sure I was standing next to Natasha before speaking again.

"Every time I poop I think of you!" I said and Tony laughed out at that along with Natasha. "Oh you little-" He said and put the pan down before chasing me. "Can't catch me!" I yelled and ran from him.

"How the hell are you so fast?!" He asked after chasing me for five minutes and stopping for him to catch his breath. "Track and Field, Cross country, Baseball, soccer, football, hockey, you name it." I said and jumped in place from my side of the room.

"Friday, please tell me you recorded everything that happened this morning?" I heard Steve asked from the entrance. "Yes sir. It has been saved to Family Moments and Bucky Blackmail along with Tony Blackmail." Friday responded. "Bucky Blackmail?!" Bucky asked and looked at Steve. Bucky knew about the Tony Blackmail folder, hell even Tony knew about the Tony Blackmail folder. Steve just laughed and put his hands up in surrender. "How are you not tired out yet?" Bucky asked. "Like I said, I'm an athlete." I said and stopped jumping. "I'm used to running." I told him.

"Fine! You win!" He breathed. "Oh I know." I said and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. "I always win." I added and looked at him. He rolled his eyes and stood up straight, after catching his breath.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" He asked me. "Hell yeah!" I said and ran to the kitchen. "Language!" I heard Steve. "That's not my name." I replied and looked at him like he was crazy. "Maybe you need a memory check." I said and poked his head. "Haha, very funny!" He said and swatted my hand away.

"You think? Thanks!" I said and sat on one of the bar stools. "Do you like pancakes?" Tony asked. "Are there blueberries in them?" I asked. "Oh yeah!" Bucky said with a nod and face saying, always! "Yes!" I said softly and pulled my fist to my side. "You like blueberries?" Tony asked. "No. I said 'yes' because I absolutely hate blueberries!" I said. "Listen here smartass-" "Hush Tony!" Steve interrupted and ruffled my hair.

"Bro!" I said and gave him the 'are you kidding me!' Look. "Geez! Just like Bucky! So protective over your hair!" He said and put his hands up. "You're just jealous you don't have amazing hair like me!" I said as I fixed my hair. "Sure, whatever you say." Steve said and ruffled my hair again. "BRUH!" I yelled and tried to hit him. He laughed and avoided my hit causing Bucky to laugh along with Tony and Natasha.

"You're an ass!" I mumbled. "Language!" Steve said. "Language, shut up Steve!" I said and tried to fix my hair. "Watch the attitude Noah!" Steve warned. I took a deep, angry breath but calmed myself and stayed quiet.

"Ready to eat?" Natasha asked. "Yes please!" I said softly and looked up at her. She smiled and put a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me. She kissed my hair and ruffled it. I glared at her and she smiled innocently. "I swear to God if someone else touches my hair I'm shoving their hand in the garbage disposal!" I threatened. "Okay, I know we won't let him do that but I'm scared now!" Tony said.

"You should be!" I said quietly and ate. The adults started to talk amongst themselves so I tuned them out and ate.

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