Chapter Three

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"So, what about school?" I suddenly heard. My head shot up as I realized they were talking about me.

"I'm homeschooled." I replied, causing them to look at me. "We knew you were at the orphanage but we're thinking of putting you in public school." Steve said. I shook my head no and looked at my food. "What do you mean, no?" I heard Bruce from the entrance. I turned and looked seeing he was there too now.

"I'm not going back." I said and put my, now empty, plate in the sink. "What do you mean?" Tony asked as I was walking out. I stopped and slowly turned to face him. "I'm not going back." I what I said before walking away.

"Noah, get back here!" I groaned and stomped once before walking back into the kitchen. "What?" I asked softly and crossed my arms looking down at my feet before meeting Buckys eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. "I-" I sighed and looked down at my feet. "I don't wanna talk about it." I muttered before looking out the window that was to my left.

"Why not?" Steve asked. My jaw clenched and I squeezed my arms trying to control my anger. "Because." Is all I said. "Because?" He pushed. "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TOO!" I yelled, throwing my arms down and looking at him. "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PERSON ON THIS PLANET WITH PTSD, STEVE!" I yelled in anger. I took a deep breath before walking away.

"He really is your kid, geez!" I froze. "What did you say?" I asked and looked back at them. "Oh, you weren't really supposed to hear me." Tony said. "Well I did." I growled. Bucky sighed. "I think we should talk about this later." He tried. "No!" I yelled. "I want answers now!" I growled at them. Bucky took a deep breath and sighed.

"Fine!" He said and looked at me. "Noah, I'm your dad." He said. "No, you're not." I said trying to stay strong. "Yeah, I am." He sighed and put his face in his hands. "Bruce, tell me he's lying!" I said and looked at Bruce. "Sorry Noah, he's telling the truth." Bruce replied. "You can't be." I said. "Noah, let's go talk. The four of us." Steve said and motioned to himself, Tony, Bucky and me.

I looked down but nodded. "Fine." I said quietly. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and I jerked away. I looked up and saw Steve. "Don't touch me." I muttered and kept my arms crossed and my head down. "Lets go." Tony said. I followed them my room.

They sat down and Bucky pat the bed next to him. "I'm not sitting next to you." I replied and sat on the floor with my back against my door and my knees to my chest with my arms crossed in between my knees and chest. "How?" I asked and kept my gaze away from them.

"How what?" Steve asked. "How, is he my dad?" I asked and glanced at them. "Uh, like you said earlier, about the PTSD. Bucky has it too and talking about what we are about to might trigger it." Steve informed me. I nodded slowly and looked away again. "Whenever you're ready, Buck." Tony said and rubbed his back. Bucky sighed and nodded.

"When you were born." He started and looked at me. "It was the best day of my life." He smiled. "Your mom always wanted a little boy named Noah." He looked down with a smile. "Noah Lee." He added softly. He sighed and looked up. "Then a year later, we had your brother." He nodded to himself. "We were a happy family." He smiled. "Until your mom died when you were four." He said sadly. "I was at war when It happened and I had no idea!" He said, his voice cracking in the process. He sniffled. "When I found out, I was gonna come home, but I was captured. By an organization called, Hydra." He said and took a deep breath. "They held me captive and turned me into a war machine." He said as a tear fell from his right eye. "They gave me this metal arm so I guess that's a plus." He laughed lightly and looked at it. I let out a small laugh and smiled. He sighed. "When I found out you and your brother were separated I tried everything with all my power to get you both back." He said sadly. "When I found out you were in the orphanage I went straight there and then 'adopted' you." He told me. I nodded slowly. "Your brother was adopted and I couldn't get him back." He said sadly. I nodded slowly.

"What's his name?" I asked him. "Huh?" He asked. "My brother. You've refused to say his name. What is it?" I asked, seeing if he was telling the truth. "James." He said. "His name is James Christopher Barnes." He said. I looked down.

He's telling the truth. How do I feel? Sad? Angry? Happy? I don't know what to feel.

"I'm so sorry about not being able to get you sooner. About not being able to come home. I'm sorry about not being about to be there when your mom died. I'm sorry I wasn't-" "Bucky." I said softly, interrupting him. He sniffled and we made eye contact. "It's okay." I told him softly. "You didn't know." I sighed. "Not your fault." I added and looked down. "Are you okay, Noah?" Tony asked. I nodded. "What about you, Buckaroo?" Steve asked. I stifled a laugh. "What?" Steve asked. "That rhymed." I said softly, causing Bucky to laugh lightly along with Tony. I nodded to myself and I sighed.

"So, you're my dad. There's no way I can prove you wrong." I said and looked at him. He nodded and sighed. "Now you probably hate me." He chuckled to himself. "I don't hate you." I said and shook my head. He looked up at me. "I don't have it in my heart to hate someone." I added and looked down. "Well, that's good!" He said softly. I nodded. "We all good now?" Tony asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I said softly and looked at my lap. "We're good." I added and stood up. Steve kissed Bucky's head and stood up. Tony following pursuit. "We are going to make sure Natasha hasn't killed anyone." Tony said. Steve nodded and they left the room, kissing my head before they walked out.

I looked at Bucky as he sat there with his head down. I looked down at my feet before walking over to him. I sat next to him and he looked up at me. "I'm sorry, Noah." He said sadly. He was about to say something but I cut him off by hugging him. Surprising the shit out of him! He didn't waist any time before hugging me back. "It's okay. It's not your fault." I said quietly and laid my head on his shoulder. He hugged my tightly and I rubbed his back.

"Ya know, I can actually say I have a family again." I said and I heard him chuckle light before kissing the side of my head. "I love you so much, Noah, you don't even know!" He said. "Well, I would assume so much since you just told me." I said and he laughed. "Don't be a smartass." He lectured lightly but a smile on his face as he pulled away. "It's what I do best!" I said and threw my arms to the side, causing him to laugh. "Ready to go back downstairs?" He asked. I nodded and we stood up. He wrapped his real arm around my shoulders and we walked out of the room.

I have my dad again. I'm not 100% empty anymore.

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