Chapter 11• Teenage Dream Part 3

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Please enjoy the chapter becaise it took my one week to re-write this, which is 7 times, and vote for it. Thank you :)


Leyla's POV

"Uh, thanks by the way for... you know, giving me food. I was having my cravings again." I awkwardly sat down on my bed with the tray on my lap, he sat in front of me.

"No problem, it's the least I can do, right?" He nervously chuckled and I nodded in agreement. Okay, I looked back at the happenings earlier today and I noticed that I am a drama queen. No shit Leyla... Damn, the atmosphere is changing. A momemt later, after eating the delicious chicken curry, I opened the aluminum plastic of Oreos and took the whole cookie to my mouth.


I hummed, "Yeah?" it came out muffled.

"Do you want to talk about it right now or later?"

I frowned, and lightly shook my head. I really don't know what to say, what is there to talk about anyways? Yes, he kissed me and gave me a hickey but that's already in the past. Although, talking this out is a real good way, yet awkward so it's best if we let it all go now. I just need his apology and I'll have to apolpgize too, I guess.

"Play with me Panini!"

I lifted my head quickly, "What did you say?"

"I said, play with me Panini. Please!" a boy begged. "What's there to play Chowder?" now, who said that!? Okay, calm down Leyla, maybe you're just hearing things again. They are just hallucinations, I'm only tired that's why. I need to rest.

I closed my eyes; come on, just sleep! I thought about thousand of sheeps then counted them all; you gotta have to sleep already. Or else I might go crazy. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep-

"Our favorite of course: The Aisle." the boy's voice boomed in my ears.

"No! Stop it." I yelled then opened my eyes and was shock when I wasn't familiar with the place I am in. The space is fair enough for four people, the ceiling only up to the height of the largest refrigirator and the floor and the walls are made of pure mahogany wood. There is only one window right in front of me and in between the window are two kids who're aeound the age of ten.

The girl is a brunette and has two electric blue eyes, while the other one is a dirty blond boy with long curly hair that ended up to his shoulders, and has baby blue eyes. "Yay! Look, I'm finally dressed Chowder!" the girl spinning like in a brand new dress, although; she is wearing a white laced dress. While her long golden brown hair flows around whilst twirling simlutaneously.

'Chowder' gape in awe, "Wow, you're so pretty Panini!" He complimented, I swear, I saw his eyes glint in amazement. The boy looks very familiar but somehow vague in my mind, only the naked eyes of mine could well known from long or close association. Maybe I just need his real name-- well obviously Chowder is not his actual name so I'm assuming there is another.

I do not exactly know why I am here and not panicking the hell out, I mean, I should habe been right? But, there's just something that made me feel like I'm... home and this is not normal, the only plausible way to think about right now, is thay I'm just having either a dream or nightmare.

"Come on Chowder, where's your costume if you wanna play? You can't have a simple shirt and jean shorts! You're not following the rules." Panini teases.

And Chowder frowns, "But where do you put our costume again?" she points to the big treasure that looked like it went from generations to generations. It was a fascinating sight to see, the chest blent in the place and could be a beautiful antique decoration in the living room.

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