Chapter 12• Church?

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Leyla's POV

Let me tell you one thing: Having so many not-christian friends is a pain in the ass. I seriously have to convince the others to join me and my sister to go to church, yes, we're Christians and get over it.

"Alright, after church we'll go to an amusement park, how about that?" I irritably suggested, it's bad to hang out after church, should stay at home first. My subconscious scolded and I rolled my eyes, then I wouldn't get these dumbbells to church with me.

I stared at Faith, "I second to that." she sighs.

Then the others agreed a while later, great, now all we need to do is wait for Ashton. "What are we going to do there, just wait for it to finish?" Michael whined and I glare at him. "If you don't want to get bored then help me there. Faith, JJ, and Jovi could sing with the quire, and I'll tell you the details later." he rolled his eyes and slumped on the couch deeper.

We have to be there before 9:00 am because exactly to that, it will start and I really don't want to be late. You see, I don't care if I am late in school but with church, I don't like it. It's not my phatom.

A moment later, 8:30 am, we heard a loud honk from outside, finally. We've been waiting for an hour and yes, I woke all of them between 6:55 and 7:00 am, so it counts as one hour and five minutes. I put on my cream cardigan and brushed out some small particles of bread crumbs off my white calf-length skirt. Yeah, a skirt. I agree with the requirement of not wearing anything that is short or too revealing but I'm not the type of girl to wear a skirt or a dress, maybe anything girly in particular; although, I still have my 'fashion' sense.

Xiana made us a batch of egg sandwich, instead of white, she used whole wheat bread. We file out the door- scratch it, that would be an understatement. We knocked each other out with our elbows until someone could get shotgun. And since my sister and her untitled-boy-which-I'm-not-sure-what-he-is-to-her are somewhat dating, she gets to be in front.

"Hello!" Erika piped in and I jump out of surprise, holy shit, how is she so energetic at this ungodly hour?

Xiana turns her head from her seat and smiles, "Hey Erika, didn't see you there." I rolled my eyes. Of course you didn't, you're right in front of us. Luckily, this car fits for a whole family, four seated in the middle, and another at the back then the trunk. Let's just say it's a van.

"Ashton, got some USB connector there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm putting up some tunes."

I hear Jaja groan, "Oh no, not one of your rocking beats, ugh." Ashton hands me the wire and he connects the other end in his player, in the middle of the dashboard. I connect the universal jack on my iPhone and press play 6 Intoxicated by The Cab.

"Calm your tits woman, you're gonna love this one."

And after a while, in our car ride on the way to church, they did enjoy it and I might as well declare that I got a point one. The van went to a halt and conversations of the people around me died down, "Well, I guess I'll have to suffer for... how many hours?" Michael asks me.

"About half a day."

"Then I shall kill myself instead."

"I will pray for you."

"Who are you, Mandy Moore from A Walk to Remember?" he retorted.

"Hey, don't underestimate that movie, it was lovely."

I got out of the van, followed by the others and went inside, meeting my only friend in there, who is Jasmine. She's a half Italian half filipina who migrated here in Australia with her family because of her father's occupation. She has the same age as me but goes to other school, way down to Melbourne; however, she's not like the kids in there, she's got more class and manners.

She smiles, "Leyla, how are you? It's so nice to meet you again." We hugged and I pulled away first to look how is she and she was good, with white blouse and pants and all. Lucky her, she gets to wear pants. "I'm good, what about you? It feels like it's been years since I've seen you."

Her lips pursed, face hardened, "Xiana hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

"Leyla, you were-"

"Hey Jasmine, let me introduce you to Ashton!" Xiana piped in and nervously laughed at Jasmine but I can tell that she's trying to cover something by her face. She's my sister after all. But there was one thing in my mind: Xiana kept a secret from me.

And because curiosity kills the cat, I shall find out about it.


Hi there guys! I am so sorry I took ten years just to upload this and it's so short, BTW cliffhanger right there ;)

Besides, who's reading this crap?

Anyways, have a good/night, 'till next time :-)


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