The Day I Broke

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The video is mine! Also I feel sick from eating skittles, so this will probably be short! *is still eating skittles* IDC if I get sick! I am crazy! Anyways, I will let you guys carry on to the story because who really cares if I feel sick! Also is this story being #753 in Lance special? I am new to Wattpad so idk😂

Their POV
It had been days since the incident... Pidge and Lance have grown closer than ever. Everyone has a group now.... we'll almost everyone. Shiro and Allura planned with the help of Coran. Hunk and Keith explored, cooked and told Coran about earth. Pidge and Coran were there to comfort Lance (Mainly Pidge).

Shiro and Allura mainly talked about if they should replace Lance. The rest of that team (except Lance of course because my sweet baby blue boy thinks he is the seventh wheel! IIIIITTTTTT HHHUUUURRRRRTTTTSSS! Sorry, but I can't help it! Now I want to rant about important Lance is! Ok sorry I will continue!) protest. Multiple time Pidge has offered to start a petition for paladins NEVER to be replaced unless dead, but everyone said it would be pointless.

Pidge still had it printed though... Hunk found it and hid it.(she found it though😂)

Lance's POV
"I FOUND IT HUNK!" Pidge yelled running into the room where everyone but Shiro, Allura and Coran.
"HOW! I HID THAT IN A SAFE ON TOP OF THE BLACK LION!" He yelled in shock running over to her.
"What is going on...?" Keith ask looking at Pidge and Hunk argue.
"Pidge made and printed the petition." I says looking at Keith.
"That was the first time you have talked to me in a few days... what they said really got to you, huh?" Keith said concerned.
"What?! Noooo Keith! I am just doing what I should've done from the start! SHUT UP and focus." I said trying to fake a smile, but it broke a second or two later.
"Lance... You don't need to shut up! Shiro and Allura were just being dumb!" Keith said looking concerned.
"Keith, I am fine!" I protest.
"Lance for one you have not made a joke since they snapped! And you haven't called me some sorta name since!" Keith said looking at me like... he cared....? Did he care?
"Mullet! I am fine! Since when did you care?!" I snapped at him.
"Lance! I care because you are like family to me!" Keith yelled back.
"Family...." I said thoughts word echoing though my head. I just froze.
"Oh no! LANCE!" Pidge yelled running over.
"Not again!" Hunk said following Pidge.
"What is wrong with Lance?!" Keith said running over.
"Let's just say THE F WORD is a kind of trigger word." Hunk said trying to calm me down.

They calm me down in time to see... them....

"Paladins, to your lions! The galra are attacking!" Allura said walking in with Shiro. "Also we think we found a new red paladin!"
"What the *BLEEP*!" Pidge yelled at them. (I will bleep quiznack because it is funny for me to think about.)
"LANGUAGE PIDGE!" Shiro snapped.
"Pidge calm down!" I said out of no where. "It's fine! It's what's best for the team..."
"LANCE YOU ARE ONE OF THR BEST PEOPLE HERE! YOU BEAT LEVEL 100!" Pidge yelled like she had just broke.
"Pidge I am the most useless paladin! I know this! Just how I was useless on earth! They made it clear!" I say breaking into tears.
"Their is no time for this Lance! Get to your lions!" Allura snapped.
"Yes ma'am." I said running off.

Pidge's POV
"Flippen Quiznack you guys!" I yelled at them then run to Green.

'I will take out my frustrations on the galra then get revenge.' I thought.

I turned on a privet voice chat with Keith, Hunk, Lance and me.

"Soooo we signing the petition when we get back?" I ask them as we left to fight.
"I am!" Keith yelled.
"If it means Lance stays then yes!" Hunk agreed.
"I feel like I shouldn't..." Lance said.
"Lance you should! We need you!" I told him.
"Yeah! You are the one that lightens the mood!" Keith said taking out a ship.
"No one could replace you buddy!" Hunk said helping Lance with a cruiser.

Word Count:722
Last chapter was like a dream sequence.
Anyways hope you guys enjoyed! Also do you guys like cliffhangers? Because I love them... except when they happen to me!
Have a great day or night!😊

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