chapter 1

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madelaine pov
the season 2 of riverdale restart soon, i was really excited to start to record it. my fly to vancouver will be tomorrow at 8am, i needed to leave LA and travis, i was really sad to leave him. he is the love of my life, the perfect boyfriend, everytime he's caring about me and i love him so much.

the next day..

''i'm so sad i don't want to leave you''
''but you have to babe, and don't worry i will call you in facetime everyday'' said travis to me.

we were at the airport, waiting my board.
''i need to boarding, love you so much my love'' i said as i kissed him.
''i love you more babe''
and i leave him, i'm gonna miss him so much.

the board was landing and i was really excited to see my friends. i took an uber to my appartement and leave my luggage at my place.
after, i took an other uber to go to work.
i saw lili and camila and immediatly hugged them but there was this girl with them, she was gorgeous gosh. what i'm saying? i have a boyfriend.

''i missed you so much god, i'm so happy to be here again!''
''yeah we're too. this is vanessa, she will play toni'' said cami.
''oh hello nice to meet you'' i said shyly.
''nice to meet you too'' she respond.

we walked over the room where there was the reunion with the cast, we were all here.
roberto told us what is gonna be in this season and mention a new love interest for cheryl, i waited this since the beggining of the show.

''madelaine are you happy you will finally play an happy cheryl?'' lili asked me.
''yeah i do, who do you think it will be? do you have an idea?''
''i don't know, maybe toni, this will be like romeo and juliet : the northside princess and the southside scum plus toni is bisexual''
''yeah maybe'' this situation makes me embarassed, i didn't know why.

vanessa pov
this girl was so beautiful god, i really need to be more close to her, but maybe she's just straight as every girl who i had a crush on.

''hey madelaine'' i said to her.
''hey, so are you happy to be here?''
''yup, more than happy'' i said with a big smile on my lips.
''i have something to ask you'' i said shyly.
''of course, ask'' ugh she was cute.
''hm i'm embarassed to ask that cause we know each other since around 1hour but i don't have a place and..''
''you want to stay at mine?'' she interrups me.
''yeah please, just a few days''
''yeah it's okay, go in my trailer after your trys out'' she said with a soft smile.
''thanks you mads'' i giggled.

after the trys out..

i knock on the madelaine's trailer door and wait til she opened me.

''come on'' she said.
''so how it was?'' she asked me.
''it was good for a first day i think but we start to film tomorrow and i'm really nervous'' i respond.
''oh no you don't have to, don't worry'' she said, touching my shoulder.
gosh, stop that.
''hm are you okay?'' she asked me.
okay now i'm red.
''yeah i'm good''
''what's about to go on my appartement now?''
''sounds good'' i giggled.

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