chapter 6

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vanessa pov
when we were arrived at camila's party everyone was already here. tonight, i wanted to have fun, not thinking about madelaine anymore. after a while, i was dancing with a guy and we were really close. but camila interrupted us to play at truth or dare. there was only lili, cole, charles, kj and mads.
''ok so first, lili. truth or dare?'' camila said.
''hm truth'' she answered.
''do a lap dance on cole''
everyone was laughting and she stopped.
''mads your turn. truth or dare?'' lili asked.
''i'll pick dare''
''kiss someone in the room''
she looked at everyone and finally stopped her eyes on me.
oh my god.
and i immediately felt her lips on mine. our lips were dancing together until charles speak :
''get a room!'' he laughted.
and she pushed me softly. did she really did that? calm down it was just a game. shit.

madelaine pov
her lips were the softest. i really enjoyed our kiss.
we continued the game but all i can do was thinking about nessa.
after this, everyone was dancing again but me i was sitting on the couch drinking. i can't stopped starring at her. she was beautiful.

after a while, she came to me and said :
''hey, can we come back home? i'm really tired''
''sure'' i said smiling.
we said goodbye to everyone and left the house.
during the ride, i can felt her eyes on me and she can't stopped. i was so stressed. what she doing to me?

author note :
i'm sorry this is really short but also really important. and excuse if sometimes my english isn't correct, i'm french :)
thanks you for reading, keep voting ily

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