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I can't believe that worked. Did that really just happen? Did she really invite me back? Even though I was practically shaking in my shoes just talking to her? Maybe she felt something to. Maybe this isn't so one sided. Maybe she felt what I did.

I walk back home, where I was heading before I saw her, and unlock my door. I may be only 16, but I have my own apartment and my own job. I do not have any contact with my wako parents or any family that is. They all thought I was 'Destined for something great' 'Here for a wonderful reason' 'Meant to do something amazing'

Uh. No.

I am just the average 16 year old kid. I go to school, I go to work, I hit on girls and they never like me back. And my phone is my world.

But maybe they were right. Maybe I will grow up and do something amazing. Do something right, become a billionaire. May-

My phone rings and it's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I ask, sitting on my couch.

"Jasper, honey, you are meant for something amazing and it is just around the corner. Your 17th birthday. That's when it will happen. Hon-"

I hang up on my mother. She should be locked in an insane asylum. My birthday was in a week, and she was still saying 'Youre destined for something great.'

Hopefully, if things go right, she will forget I exist.

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