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Welcome to my delve into the world of H λ L F – L I F E.

This is the beginning.

I discovered Half-Life a long, long time ago when, after hearing about it from my friends, I finally managed to get my hands on a copy of the PS2 version in 2004. I fell in love. I subsequently bought the Black Box, which included Blue Shift & Opposing Force, and played them like crazy too. And of course as soon as it was out and I could afford it, I bought Half Life 2 for the Xbox and played it like crazy as well.

I originally tried writing my very first Half-Life fan fiction somewhere in 2004. It was called Another's View and it was basically this story. I wanted to write what I always wanted to write back then: the game I'd just played from someone else's perspective. Hence the title. I wanted to write about a security guard just trying to survive the chaos.

I never finished Another's View, nor the rewrite, nor the rewrite of that rewrite. But finally, in 2011, I did finish Bishop's War, and I reposted it to WattPad in 2014. I tried to keep going with it, but I was burned out, and ultimately pulled the whole thing down, certain that I was done with Half-Life.

Well, that obviously wasn't the case. Within a few months, I found myself thinking of it again. Finally, I decided I was going to commit to it. And here we are! So far, I've had a lot of fun writing this story, and I really am looking forward to getting it written and then delving into the world of Half-Life 2 and beyond. I've got some cool ideas and now I've decided to act on them since we've basically got confirmation that Valve will forever be a bunch of lazy POS's and never make another legit Half-Life game again.

I hope you enjoy reading this story!

H λ L F - L I F E: Bishop's War✔️Where stories live. Discover now