CHλPTER 14: A Very Big Problem

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"You look a lot better."

Eric looked up as he finished lacing up his boots. Maria stood in the doorway of what had temporarily been their room.

"I feel a lot better," he replied. Finishing up, he stood and did a quick check of the area, making sure he hadn't left anything behind. Not that he had basically anything to leave behind. All at once, he realized that he'd left his wallet back in his dorm. Well, it was gone. There was no way he was going back for it. Did it matter? He was probably a fugitive now. Having the money would be nice, but...well shit, what was he going to do if and when he escaped this place?

"Come on, we're heading out," Maria said.

He nodded and headed towards her. Together, the pair began making their way towards the main hub room of the medical area that had become their temporary shelter. He could hear the others talking, their voices oddly comforting.

Despite everything, he did feel a lot better.

After finding a map, making a plan, and finishing out his watch with Bower, he'd woken Maria and gone back to sleep. Nightmares had found him, but they had been mercifully vague, evaporating upon waking. From there, he'd grabbed another quick meal in the form of an apple and a bottle of water, then had taken another shower and dressed. Coming into the main room, Eric did one more check of his gear. He didn't have much. That was still depressing. He'd gathered all that stuff and now all he had left to show for his troubles was a bulletproof vest, a Desert Eagle and three magazines of ammo, and that weird crowbar.

Well, at least his clothes were freshly laundered, his wounds wrapped, and he'd taken three extra strength painkillers during the meal, so his pain was beginning to diminish. Plus, being fed and having some sleep, (and the two sessions of fun with Maria), had gone a very long way towards healing him physically and spiritually.

The others were gathered in the main hall.

"Took you longer enough," Bower said.

"Sorry, Sergeant," Maria replied.

"We have a new problem. I assume you've heard-" He paused as a series of shudders ran through the area. "-that?"

Eric nodded. It had been happening every few minutes since he'd woken at least, probably longer. He knew it hadn't been happening during his watch.

"Any ideas?" Vanessa asked.

"None that I can comfortably contemplate," Bower replied. "Bishop, I want you to ride up with me first. We scope the situation, then, if it looks safe, I'll come back down and get everyone else. Any questions, people?"

There were no questions, although Eric had been hoping someone at least had one. He would have liked a few more moments to prepare himself mentally for the task ahead, because he doubted anything good was up there. He had a suspicion, but it was so terrifying that he didn't want to entertain the thought even a little. And so when Bower jerked his head slightly towards the elevator that would take them up, Eric just made himself walk over, joining the Sergeant as they began the next leg of their miserable journey of survival through Black Mesa.

Man, this was probably going to suck.

What new horrors awaited them on this day?

According to a clock mounted on the wall, which was still running fine by the looks of it, the time was just past seven in the morning. Which meant that about a full day had passed since he'd last woken up, (naturally at least), and since the world had last been sane. If he had to guess, he'd say that the quake or explosion or whatever it was had hit maybe around nine yesterday morning. God, a day? Had it actually almost been a full day? He'd spent six of those hours sleeping and another three standing guard here, but a day? It seemed somehow impossible.

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