Side Story

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Story By: Choco Lily

Story Assistant: Rozenbach

Editor: Draygan

** Disclaimer **
The characters in this novel are a work of fiction and are not based on real people other than their names!

Side Story 1

Rozenbach slowly opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar place. He was lying on a bed that seemed like it was straight out of a historical drama. Slowly sitting up, he found that the room was all decorated in red. He found that he was dressed completely in red as well.

He tentatively caressed the red clothes he was wearing and found it smooth to the touch, it could be compared with the finest velvet in his original world.

Rozenbach wondered what had happened. He remembered that he had transmigrated and was forced to dress as a female to stand in for his older twin sister... but everything else after that was nothing but a big empty hole in his memory.

From the looks of the golden embroidery as well as the bright red decor, he had a very bad feeling. He guessed this room was a bridal bedchamber and the clothes that he was wearing was suspiciously like a bridal dress! Shivering in disgust and fear, he quickly leaped out of the bed as if he had touched something dirty.

Rozenbach looked around the room and found that he was the only occupant. He was momentarily relieved. Now he had to get out of the room before the bridegroom entered!

He remembered seeing King Sigil's face and admitted that he had a very handsome visage. His splendid chiseled muscles and tall stature had to be the envy of all men!

However, Rozenbach was praying and hoping against all hope that the groom would not be King Sigil!

Rozenbach approached the door and was not surprised to find it locked...He could not remember the specifics of it all, but he was dead sure that he was against the idea of marrying a guy!

Could it be everyone had known he was an unwilling bride?! Why else would they lock the door?

"Miss Rozie?" A female voice from the other side of the door asked as the attempt made by Rozenbach could be heard from outside.

"Y-yes. You are?" Rozenbach jumped as he did not expect someone to be outside. He silently scratched off his plan of escaping through the front door.

"I'm one of the servants that His Majesty has assigned to guard the bedchamber."

There's even a guard outside too?! Could it be that he himself did not remember that he had made an attempt to escape before but was caught and forced back to marry the king?!

"Please do not worry, Concubine Rozie. With the guards and I present, no one will be able to enter the room! Rest assured, you will not be kidnapped with us keeping watch!"

...What? Kidnap?

"How could anybody wish to kidnap me?" Rozenbach asked out loud in disbelief. Could it be that the King Sigil had enemies that decided to kidnap Rozenbach as leverage against the King?

This Rozenbach was not important to King Sigil at all! He did not even know him!

The maid on the other side sighed. "Concubine Rozie, the King wanted to keep this from your knowledge, but allow this servant to tell you-"

"Peach, what are you doing?!" Another female voice whispered urgently.

"Concubine Rozie should know the truth or else she might get tricked!"

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