Part 3

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The thing about gender is that it isn't a social construct. Gender exists through pretty much all things.

The thing that is however, a human construct, is saying things should be seperated based on gender. There shouldn't be a 'boys only' school and a 'girls only' school. Really that's pretty sexist. It's implying that boys and girls learn at different rates just because they are boys and girls. Everyone learns at a different rate. Girls don't learn faster than boys or vice versa. The thing unforgivable about the schools is that they haven't been abolished. It is forgivable that they existed because they were created in such a time where the mind set was pretty patriarcle, even most females probably agreed with this system. Today the world is much more liberal but the schools are still here. But why? Is it for tradition? Is it simply easier to keep it that way? In all truths it's probably harder to keep it seperate. It must be harder trying to squeeze dozens of girls into one buliding. Surely it would be easier if both genders had multiple choices. Anyway, off topic.

Keeping gender segregated in ways of the mind, and sometimes physical ability, is wrong. But saying that males are generally stronger (able to develop more muscle) than females is not. It is not sexist. It is not misogynistic. It is simply sientific fact. On that note, saying that males having more muscle, and a higher likelihood of developing muscle, means that they are better and more capable than females is sexist and it is misogynistic.

Males and females can not be better than eachother because we are both designed to do what we can to keep our race alive. Women are built to look after things while the men are away and have birth. Men are designed to hunt and provide. Does this mean that just because are bodies are designed to do that means that we have to? Of course not. And saying that it does makes you sexist. Especially if you're saying that women need to do what they were designed for when you yourself are not. If you're a woman and you want to be a housewife and have lots of kids, that's fine. That's great even. Do what makes you happy. But do not put other women down for wanting to go to university. Do not put other women down for wanting to be single. Do not put other women down for not wanting kids. Just because you yourself may be a woman doesn't mean you can't be a misogynist.

Another human concept is that gender can't be interchangeable. Or that gender is more than what sexual organ you are born with. Gender is a decision held in the brain.

Gender also isn't compulsory. You can feel no gender at all and that's still perfectly normal.
Being transgender doesn't mean that you have to have any type of sex change or even take the hormones. Being transgender doesn't mean that you have to have physical dysphoria. I believe you do have to have dysphoria because that's the thing that makes you want to change your gender but it doesn't have to be dysphoria about your voice or your physical features. It could just be dysphoria for your name or being called by the wrong gender.

And thats where i closed the app and completely forgot about this thought so that's all anyones getting
An over opinionated articulate

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