Chapter Six

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My relationship with the boys is a weird one. It's a different friendship (if you even want to call it that) with each of them.

First there's Zayn Malik. I haven't said one word to him, and he hasn't said one word to me. I assume he's just as shy as me, which means it's hard for anything to happen since neither of us will talk. But, due to his shyness he's not very close with Sabrina, so that earns him points in my head.

Next there's Louis Tomlinson. He appears to be nice. I haven't really talked to him. He is, however the closest to Harry, so he tried for a good two weeks to become my friend. I just didn't know what to say. So I said nothing.

Niall Horan was the easiest. After they helped Sabrina and I move in, I cooked breakfast for them. Niall really liked it. And that's basically our friendship. I make him food and he thinks I'm his BFF. Even though we haven't really had a full conversation yet.

Then there's Liam Payne. I think he's nice. Out of all the boys (besides Harry) I've had the longest conversation with him. He always offers a sweet smile, and is by far the most mature. I think we talked a lot because he took an interest in my attending Cambridge, so we'd often chat about that.

And finally, my best friend, Harry Styles. We've always just clicked. He makes me feel confident, and I've never been shy around him. But, people change. Friendships change. I wish sometimes I could go back in time to when we first saw Sabrina, and I told him to invite her over. But I wouldn't tell Harry to invite her.  

I also wish sometimes that I could go back before the X Factor, and keep him from going. But then I feel bad about wishing away all that he's achieved. I mean, he's living his dream.

So is Sabrina.

Well I think she is. I didn't know what she was going to do when she came to London. She never mentioned anything about modeling. But yet, she works for some high-end magazine here.

And then there's my new friend, McKenna. I've only known her a couple days, but I know she's living her dream. She works in her mum's cafe, and I think she wants to own it one day. She does what she wants when she wants and that's that. It's not like she's bad or anything. She just has this ability to not care what people think. She lives life how she wants too.

Oh how I wish that was me.

I don't know what I want. I'm pretty certain Cambridge is gone. Yet, I'm not really upset over it. There is one thing I love, mu-

"Come on! Look alive!"

I was brought out of my thoughts by the photographer trying to get the boys to look a little less hungover and a little more...........presentable. One Direction was having their photo shoot for their world tour posters. They only had like two months left, you think they would have done this by now. Sabrina was (thankfully) back at our flat as she had a massive hangover too. While I was at work at the cafe (yes I got the job) they were all out partying. On a Thursday night!

Stupid move. I mean, who does that?

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