Chapter Thirteen

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Its been two months since I first performed in France, and the surprises have just kept coming, for both me and the boys.

We went to Scotland, Denmark and a bunch of other European countries. Everytime I performed there seemed to be more people singing along. I mean, I was trending on Twitter. And it was weird!

We also went to Ireland. First we performed in Dublin, and then Mullinger, which made Niall really happy. We evened stayed a week so he could see his family. They were all really sweet.

While we were in Mullinger, two things happened.

First: We were all hanging out in the lounge on the bus on the way there, when Liam jumped up.

"Adriene Grabb, you are never going to believe this!" he screamed, staring at his laptop. We all got up and ran over to see what he was staring at. I fell to my knees when I saw it.

"Can you believe it Addy?" Harry said, as he dropped to his knees and grabbed my shoulders. "Your song 'Give Your Heart A Break' is number one in the U.K!"

I stood up and looked at the screen. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!" I started screaming and jumping on one of the sofas. "I'm a hit! I'm famous! I have a hit song! People know who I am! FUCK YEAH!" I screamed, flopping onto my back. Soon after all the boys ran over and tackled me.

"I can't believe it!" Louis screamed, "I know someone famous!" This made us all laugh.

Two: I nearly punched Louis Tomlinson's head off.

We had an entire day to ourselves while we were in Mullinger, so the six of us us were just hanging out at the hotel, talking normally. I made an effort to try and talk to Zayn as much as possible, but damn that boy was making it hard. He made my stomach go all crazy, and I felt like I was going to start throwing up when I was around him. He made me so nervous. This was new to me, as Harry I just sorta liked. We were friends, but with Zayn it's like this person I'm admiring from afar. Like a good old fashion crush.

Anyway, he was making it even harder as he went back to his shy ways.

"I have an idea!" Louis yelled, making us jump. The way he was smirking at me made me think he saw me staring at Zayn from across the room. "Let's play truth or dare!" Everyone agreed and we gathered in a circle on the floor.

Two hours had passed, and so far Louis has run through the hotel lobby screaming "Sexy llamas and hot chickens", Niall ate a piece of chocolate that was dipped in the toilet, I ate a Cheeto with ketchup on it, Zayn tweeted that he was marrying his secret girlfriend, (which made the entire Twitterverse go insane), Liam licked one of the hotel spoons, (He curled up in a ball and nearly cried, so I had to consult him) and Harry had to knock on every hotel door that had a two in it (which took forever on the second floor) and say "I am pregnant with your baby" if a man answered, and "I need to borrow some tampons" If a woman answered.

Louis had just been dared by Harry to tweet that he was carrying Harry's baby. So now it was Louis turn to pick someone. "Zayn! I dare you to kiss Adriene for ten seconds!" Harry hit him in the arm, and Zayn's eyes grew wide.

"No!" I screamed, receiving a confused look from everyone except Harry.

"Why?" Louis asked. He gave me a "but you like him" look.

"Because...." I sighed and looked at Harry, who gave me an understanding smile. "Because I've never kissed anyone and I definitely don't want my first kiss to be during a truth or dare." But I'd love to kiss you Zayn, I added in my head. I started blushing, embarrassed that I was eighteen and still haven't had my first kiss.

"What?!?" Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn said at the same time, looking completely shocked.

"How has a girl like you never been kissed?" Niall said.

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