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"I want to say a massive thank you to all my fans! You guys are amazing, and I wouldn't be here without you. I love all of you!" With that I gave one last wave before running off stage.

"Great job!" Hannah said, giving me a hug. She's my manager, and although she's a lot older than me, we're really close.

"Thanks." My smile was already fading as sadness filled me.

"Aw, sweetie!" She pulled me into another hug. "It's been a hard year for you."

"Tell me about it." I walked over and took a drink of my water. I've been doing this for three years, and I still get the same excitement as when I first performed at a One Direction concert. Now I am doing my own concerts. "World tour number one complete." I said with a sigh.

I walked back to my dressing room and changed into something comfortable. I glanced at myself in the mirror.

I looked just like my eighteen year old self. My hair was still a dark brown with red undertones, and my face and body look the same. But my life is way different.

Everyone is still dating who they were three years ago, accept for Camille and Harry, who are dating each other now, and have been for a couple weeks.

I just finished my first world tour. And yes, One Direction is still as big as ever. Bigger even.

Why then, am I sad?

I haven't seen any of the boys in over a year. Whenever I would be home, they were on tour, and when I'm on tour, they're at home.

Right as we speak they are on a plane, headed for an Asian tour. Right at the end of mine.

It's only two months. You have two months off, they get back, and then you start your new album. You will see Zayn in two months.

Zayn. My heart aches thinking about him.

I haven't seen my boyfriend in over a year. Do you know what that's like? And it's not like a long distance relationship. One of us, or both of us is busy, so we usually text. There's a random Skype call.

And no one understands. The other girls miss their boyfriends while they're away, and then get to see them when they get back. This past year for me has been tour, they have break. They tour, you have break. I mean, come on Simon!

I feel like Zayn might not even love me anymore. After all, the last time I heard his voice was over two days ago, and the last time we skyped was a good two weeks ago.

Hannah appeared in the doorway. "Come on, all the girls are waiting for you."

I gave her a weak smile and followed her out the door. I was in London, so of course the girls came.

"You were amazing!" Eleanor squealed. I gave each of them a hug.

"We know, you miss Zayn and the other boys." Camille said as she linked arms with me. "These two months will fly by. Trust me."

I gave her a weak smile as we left the building. All the girls were buzzing around me, but I just wanted to sleep.

When we got to my flat, the girls continued to buzz. I had moved into a larger flat that was near the boys. I rarely ever saw them though.

"I think I'm going to sleep." I said as I made my way up the stairs, the girls behind me.

"No your not!" McKenna said, "We are all going out to dinner!"

"And it's fancy!" Danielle added.

"But I'm really tired and not in the mood-" I started, but was cut off.

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