Miraculous Ladybug: 1

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Huff! Huff! Puff!

Marinette finally reached her destination. She was glad to be able to talk to someone who knew all her secrets about the whole Ladybug thing. Having to keep the secret to herself was beginning to get harder and harder each day. Marinette wasn't necessarily great at coming up with excuses, so she was starting to feel that people were unto her, especially her best friend, Alya Cèsaire.

"Master Fu," Marinette sat down on the rug, out of breath. "I'm so glad I got myself out of it."

Master Fu stared at her in confusion, so Marinette began her explanation about how Alya had constantly asked her a bunch of questions about where she had been; about how she had to lie to her own best friend and parents just to get away, transform and face a villain. It was all becoming too hard now.

"What will I say the next time they ask me? Lately Alya and all my others friends have been asking me why I'm coming to school late and other questions related. I fear I won't be able to keep the secret longer, that's why I need your help."

"You need to stay strong and keep the secret. No one can know."

"I know that, but it's becoming harder," Marinette sighed. "Maybe you should just-" She was about to say the word, but Master Fu immediately stopped her from doing so.

"No! Don't you ever say 'replace'. I won't replace you, Marinette. You have already accepted to the job, there's no giving up now." Master Fu looked at her, and shook his head. "Marinette, you are a smart girl, I'm sure you can think of ways to answer their questions without releasing the secret." He looked absolutely serious as he spoke, showing Marinette that he meant every single words.


"Now, if there's nothing else, you can go. I need a rest."

Marinette stood up after nodding her head, understanding that Master Fu needed his rest, especially with how old he was now. "I hope I can do it." She took a deep breath and walked out of the room, face and heart full of determination now.

"Where were you?!"

Marinette was almost to her bakery when she heard Alya right behind her. Suddenly all the determination she had had a few minutes ago had disappeared. She just wanted to get this over with. She wanted Hawk Moth to be defeated sooner so she wouldn't have to keep her identity a secret. She didn't want to continue lying, especially with the fact that she was becoming bad at it.

"Uh. . . You know. . . I went out," Marinette exclaimed. "I was just walking around alone."

"Oh really," Alya looked at her, obviously not believing what Marinette had just said. "You missed another day of school yesterday. I wanted to ask you where you've been, but you just ran out on me. I thought you were mad at me."

"Oh no, Alya I'd never be mad at you," Marinette sighed.

I was busy dealing with some business with Chat Noir.

"I had a business to take care of," Marinette explained. "I was. . .exercising. Yeah, that's it, running around." Seriously, Marinette? Of all the excuses you could have come up with, it just had to be that one?!

"You would rather do that than come to school," Alya folded her arms. "That excuse sounds suspicious to me, but whatever you say. Anyway," Alya continued, "do you want to hang out with me and the others. We decided to go to the park today."

Then suddenly Nino came out walking towards them out of nowhere. "Did you hear the news today?" He asked. "Something wild is happening." Marinette pulled out her phone and checked the news.

"Today there seems to be a wild case that needs to solved. Everywhere is beginning to get covered up in snow, but it's the middle of April! This has never happened before, and some people did say they caught sight of a guy who looked quite unusual." Nadja Chamack exclaimed in the news. "Will Ladybug and Chat Noir come and save the day again?"

Oh no! This had to happen! Marinette groaned.

"Oh, we'll get to see Ladybug and Chat Noir again," Alya said excitedly, clapping her hands together and then getting her phone out, already prepared to start recording the whole fight. "I want to be there. Come with us, Marinette."

Oh no, I can't though. What do I do?!

"Uh. . . Sure, I'll come." Just have to find a way to sneak out! Marinette followed her friends to where they thought Ladybug would show up.

"Uh oh!" Nino exclaimed. "I don't think we should get too close. We might get frozen too."

"Yeah, that's right," Marinette awkwardly laughed.

"Huh. I only see Chat Noir. Where's Ladybug?" Alya looked around, a worried look plastered on her face.

"Uh. . . Maybe she's having a hard time coming here?" Marinette suggested. Which she is, she thought to herself.

"Huh, how can that be?!" Alya had her phone out, videoing Chat Noir fight off the evil villain. Then she cracked a small smile. "Even though Ladybug runs late sometimes, she never fails to show up. I'd never look down on her. You're probably right Marinette. She's probably just having a hard time coming here for whatever reason."

"Girls, I really think we should stay away," Nino gulped. Marinette then noticed the villain look at them.

Huh. A new one. I've never see that villain before. I can't even tell if it's a boy or a girl.


Marinette snapped out of her thought at the mention of her name. Then she realized it was Chat Noir calling out for her.

"Wherever you are, please come and help me."

She watched as he fell backwards, the villain freezing his feet together to the ground so he couldn't move.

Gosh! He needs help! I need to transform and go help him quickly.

"Ladybug is still not here," Alya said as she was being dragged by Nino, and Marinette followed them. "Will she get here?"

"Uh. . . Guys!" Marinette spoke after clearing her throat. "I suddenly need the bathroom. I'll come back quickly, I promise." May not be the best excuse, but it's got to work. Marinette knew just how much she'd used that excuse. It was always sort of her backup plan; whenever her first excuse failed, she would blurt out about how she needed the bathroom.

Alya looked at her, a small frown placed on her face. She then just shrugged as she gave a reply. "Sure." Marinette could feel Alya watching her as she walked away quickly, pretending she couldn't hold it any longer. Finally she found a private spot, where she was alone. Tikki came out of her pink small purse.

"It's not good to lie, but I understand why the lie was needed," Tikki said. "Now come on, let's go save the day again."

Marinette smiled. "Tikki!... Spots on!"

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