Miraculous Ladybug: 36

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So we talked and talked, then laughed and laughed, Marinette sighed. Good times. I'm really getting close to Adrien, and the more I am, the more it seems like I don't stutter.

Marinette shut down her computer. It was embarrassing for me when Adrien saw Chat Noir on my screen, and now I think about it, I wonder why I even did have Chat Noir up on my screen.


"So, what are you thinking about?" Plagg showed a bit of his head out of Adrien's pocket. "Marinette?"

"Plagg, hide! And shut up, how would you know?!" Adrien grunted. He's right, but I'm not going to admit it.

Ooh, Adrien is in love... Ugh!" Plagg sang. "Ooh, yes, he's in love... Ugh!"

"Why the 'ugh!' at the end?" Adrien asked.

"Because I think love is disgusting, but whatever. The only thing I'll ever be in love with is cheese," Plagg explained, then his eyes got bigger. "Adrien, look out!!"

Plagg tucked back inside Adrien's pocket, but soon he felt himself fly out once Adrien made a hard stop.

"Be careful next time!" The driver shouted. "You could get yourself killed.

Plagg rubbed his head, then looked up. He gasped to see two big eyes staring back at him.

"Aww, mom, look at that poor thing," the girl spoke.

"Yes, yes," the girl's mother didn't seem to care... Didn't bother looking down and staring at the little helpless thing. Instead she continued looking at her watch in a hurry.

Plagg flew away from the two people. He looked around, trying to stay hidden as well, but he didn't see Adrien in sight.

Oh no, did he really get crashed by that car and is injured?! I gotta find help!

Plagg turned around and continued flying in secret. Then, he reached his destination.

Marinette is a friend of Adrien, so all I have to do is find a piece of paper and pen and write her a letter.

Plagg flew at the top of the house, to Marinette's balcony. He flew inside, looked around, then stayed hidden behind a wall and turned his head a little, just enough to see Marinette.

"And I've decided what to do for my design," Marinette was saying.

Is she talking to herself? Weird girl.

"That's such a cool design, Marinette," another tiny voice spoke, and Plagg froze.

Who- who was that? It sounded sort of like Tikki. Oh Plagg, snap out of it. You actually think Marinette is Ladybug?

"Tikki, could you grab the other end for me?"

So, it's true. Adrien is in love with Marinette, the girl who is Ladybug, the Ladybug Adrien has a crush on. Adrien's gonna get his heart crushed again. I can't believe this.

So if Marinette is Ladybug, does that mean it doesn't matter if she sees me or not? Nahh, of course it matters. She would then know that Adrien is Chat Noir.

Plagg looked around. I see no papers or pen around. I would have to go inside Marinette's room, but that is impossible. She's going to see me.

"Oh no, the string. I think I left it in the balcony. Here, I'll go get it."

Gahhh, she's coming!!

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