Miraculous Ladybug: 35

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Daddy, get the door," Chloe pointed at the door. The doorbell had been ringing wildly for the past 2 minutes.

"Of course," her Dad put down his book, and rushed to the door, Chloe watching. He opened the door, then turned back to his daughter.

"Uh... Chloe, it's your friend, Sabrina," he answered.

Good, she must be here to apologize.

"And Adrien," he suddenly then added. Chloe gasped, and hid under a table.

"No, tell them not to come in," she pleaded, but Adrien had already stepped inside the house.

He looked back at Sabrina, who was hesitating whether to come in or not.

I suddenly don't feel safe coming here anymore, Sabrina shuddered. But since Adrien is here, I will come in. Good thing I brought him along.

"Chloe, come out of that table, we have an important thing to tell you," Adrien folded his arms. He watched as Chloe came out under the table, but she refused to look at them.

"Look Chloe, I'm sorry if I did anything back at school, but that was no reason to get your Dad to call my Mom about it," Sabrina gritted her teeth. "Mom made me come here to apologize."

"Good, you should apologize," Chloe huffed, deciding to look at her. "What you've been doing is terrible. You've been on Marinette's side always..."

"And there's nothing wrong with being on her side!" Sabrina interrupted. She remembered how whenever she interrupted Chloe back then, Chloe would 'punish' her, and she was tired of it.

Grr... You dumb brat! You decided to bring Adrien along because you know he is my weakness. You know I won't do anything to you when he's around. You brought him along so you could talk back to me. This is unacceptable!

"Adrien, will you please tell me why you're here with her?" Chloe asked in her nicest voice possible.

I really thought this girl was kind and sweet, but I have seen her true self now, and it's no good.

"I just came to tell you... Sabrina does not need your help anymore," Adrien spoke.

"Of course she does." How is this girl going to live without me?! I'm the one who provides for her and her poor mother!

"I have decided to help Sabrina from now on. Marinette might help too. This way, you don't need to remind Sabrina that you're the one providing for her, and use that as a reason to insult her..."

"But she..."

"Don't interrupt me," Adrien raised his hand. "It's just from what I've seen, it looks like you're tired of providing for Sabrina."

"What! No! Of course not!" Chloe yelled. She was furious.

She only wants to provide for me so she'll use that as a reason to work me as a maid.

"No it's fine, I think I'd rather want Adrien and Marinette," Sabrina happily spoke. Marinette, Adrien, thank you.

"Sabrina, how can you think of abandoning me like this. I've been such a good friend to you and this is how you repay me?!" Chloe yelled. It's all because of that Marinette. She just had to buy Sabrina a dress and make me look like the bad one. "Sabrina, you better choose wisely. Either you're with me, or against me!"

"I don't want to be against you, Chloe, really I don't. It's just that I feel like I've been a brat to you and don't deserve to be your friend anymore."

Chloe stood up and walked over to Sabrina. "Sabrina, you can still be my friend. I forgive, so just come back."



"Chloe, it's obvious she doesn't want you anymore. Please don't force her," Adrien pulled Chloe away. "If there is nothing else, we'll be leaving."

As Adrien and Sabrina walked out, Sabrina turned back to see how Chloe was now. She was glaring at the floor, stomping her feet. Sabrina quickly left.


"Ahhh... Well, that went... Well?" Adrien sighed as he watched Sabrina climbed the stairs to her house.

"Honestly, thank you." Sabrina waved, then went inside.

Now this is done, I think I should visit Marinette and see how she's doing.

Adrien started walking away from the house and to Marinette's place. He sighed and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Marinette opened the door wide open. "Adrien, what are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to see how you are doing," Adrien shrugged. "Plus I want us to talk about something else."

"O-okay," Marinette let him in. "Go to my room, and I'll meet you there."

Adrien nodded and headed to Marinette's room. He opened the door and stepped inside.

Same as usual, Adrien sighed, then sat down. Then he noticed her pink bag on the desk and some clothes on her chair.

Was she making some clothes? Adrien walked closer. Huh, her computer screen has the picture of Chat Noir. Was she thinking about him? So she was thinking about me?

I told Ladybug that I had someone else that day at the dinner, and I didn't mean it at that time, but now...

I think I'm falling for Marinette!

- Edited -

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