Miraculous Ladybug: 40

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Well, that was such an awkward lunch, a sweat ran down Marinette's cheeks as she watched everyone walk away, back to class.


Marinette stopped, turned and saw Chloe running towards her. She just wanted to run away now, but she couldn't moved as if her feet were stuck to the floor.

"Mariette, what's going on? Everyone was ignoring me at lunchtime, do they not like my presence?" Chloe asked.

"No Chloe, they don't hate you..." They absolutely hate your guts, and I hate your cheating, lying fake guts too!!

"Well, can you ask them what's going on for me?" Chloe replied. She smiled. "You're my friend now, Marinette."

"Just because you gave me doughnuts?" Marinette frowned. Who said I was her friend? I just enjoy having her be nice to me.

"Well yeah, you forgave me, and I thought we could be friends," Chloe shrugged as if it was no big deal. It was a huge deal for Marinette.

Chloe was the type of person who made people feel bad for themselves—an absolute cold hearted person who enjoys making fun of others. Marinette didn't want a friend like that.

"So what do you say?" Chloe asked, still with her big smile.

Can I just wipe that fake smile off her face right now?!

"I gave you doughnuts, Marinette," Chloe whined, getting tired of Marinette's silence.

"Which reminds me... Did you really make those doughnuts yourself?" Marinette asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes, of course I did!" Chloe said quickly. "Why do you ask?!"

"I just didn't think you made desserts, that's all, calm down," Marinette backed away. "Anyway, I'll be going now."

She totally ignored my question about being my friend or not. Why doesn't she want to he my friend?! Chloe gritted her teeth. Do you know how long it took me to finally agree to be nice to you. Besides, that does seem like the only way Adrien would like me. He'll forget all about you!!

"Wait Marinette, one more thing," Chloe stopped her before she could leave. "Uh... Could you ask Adrien to come by and meet me, because I have an important thing to tell him?"

Marinette silently groaned. "I'll try." Marinette quickly walked away.

Tsk, such a pain in the neck! Chloe huffed and left for the bathroom.

Marinette entered the classroom, and looked over at Adrien. He was busy taking to Kim and Max about some new game he had played.

I did say I was going to make this hard for Chloe. I guess that begins now!


Marinette turned around. "What was that? Who was screaming?!"

Adrian stood up. "You all be calm. I'm sure it must have been some accident."

Suddenly something scared Marinette. Kim's eyes started to change into red.

"I... Am... Dark Cupid!"

The same happened to the rest of the students that had been akumatized, except for Alya and Nino...

And me, Marinette thought.

"I... Am... Timebreaker!"

"I... Am... Reflekta!"

They kept muttering the names of the villains they once were, and it frightened Marinette. They all sat on their seat, not moving, just saying their villain names.

"What's going on?!" Nino asked, as he quickly stood up and ran over to Adrien.

"ARHHHH!!!" The scream came again, which frightened them.

Huh, weird. I wonder why these three aren't the same as the others, Adrien looked around. They have been akumatized.

"We... We have to do something!" Alya quickly opened the door. "Quick!"

The four of them left the classroom, but found frozen people all around.

No, it's not possible! Marinette angrily looked around. Is it possible that Vex has come back?!


"Quick, follow that scream!" Mariette pointed forward.

"Are you sure, Marinette? What if it's a trap?" Alya quickly stopped her friend.

"But whoever has done this needs to be stopped. Sure it might be a trap, but we'll get out!"

"Why are you sounding like a superhero now?" Nino chuckled.

Because I am one! "I meant... Ladybug and Chat Noir will save us," Marinette corrected quickly.

"Alright then, let's hurry!" Adrien led the way he thought the scream was coming from, until they came to a door.

"Weird, what is this place?" Alya shuddered. "It's also cold here too!"

Nino kicked opened the door, and ran inside. The others followed him as well.

There's inside, they saw Chloe, hanging from the ceiling upside down.

"Help!!" She shrieked. "Help me!!"

"We're coming, Chloe," Adrien called back. He turned to the others. "She's very high up, what should we do?"

"I have a pocket knife with me," Nino said, getting it out of his pocket, "and don't ask why I have it. But maybe it could help cut the rope."

"How do we get up to her?" Alya asked. "I mean, it's not like I care, but we need to save everyone."

"I got it." Marinette ran to another door that said "storage room." In there, she found what she was looking for. A tall ladder.

"Help me get this out," Marinette said. Nino rushed to help her, and the both got the ladder out.

"Nino will climb up and cut the rope. Then when Chloe falls down, Adrien will catch her," Marinette explained.

"Marinette, you're a pretty good leader," Alya said, impressed.

"I try," Marinette smiled.

Nino did exactly as he was told. He climbed the ladder and cut the rope, then Adrian caught her when she fell.

"Chloe, are you okay?" Marinette asked.

"Never better!"

Her voice suddenly changed, and when Adrien let her down, she grabbed ahold of his arm and pushed him to the side.

"Chloe, what's wrong with you! Are you akumatized?!" Alya asked as she rushed to go help Adrien, along with the others.

Then, the door suddenly closed shut, and a cold breeze seemed to have entered the room.

"I'm not Chloe!"

Then she suddenly transformed.

"My name is Vex!!"

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