Miraculous Ladybug: 13

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"That ride was AWESOME!" Marinette giggled with happiness, as Adrien helped her get off a ride.

This is like the sixth ride we've went on, but I haven't had a chance to bully her yet, that's because Adrien is always with her! Chloe clenched her fist in pure anger. Marinette must be the girl Adrien likes, but I have to make Adrien lose his interest in her!

"Hold on now, I gotta quickly use the bathroom," Adrien informed the girls, but to Chloe, it sounded like he was only talking to Marinette.

Marinette nodded, and Adrien hurried to the bathroom.

Now is my chance. Since Adrien has left, I can finally get to Marinette!

"Hey," Chloe walked up to her. "What are you doing, trying to steal my future boyfriend?!" Chloe gritted her teeth. "Don't you know he's mine?!"

"No, I didn't know that," Marinette looked up at her, not giving Chloe what she wanted by showing fear on her face. "And Adrien isn't yours, he's not a property, you know. Maybe you should try being not too clingy to him, then maybe he'll actually like you!"

Chloe took a step back. She had expected Marinette to at least listen to her, because she was more mighty than her. She didn't know that Marinette would give her an advice.

So she knows I like him?

"Hey, I'm back," Adrien ran back to the girls. "Anything happen?"

"No," Marinette spoke. "We were in peace, so let's continue this awesome day." She gave Chloe a smile, but Chloe noticed it was a real smile.

I can't let her win!

Chloe struggled a smile back. "Yeah, we were in peace. Adrien if you will not be too busy tomorrow, do you think I can come by and talk to you. It's important."

"Uh, sure," Adrien ran his fingers through his blonde hair. "20 minutes. You know how my dad is like, haha," he awkwardly looked away as Chloe nodded.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Marinette, today was great. If you don't mind, I'd like to do it again someday," Adrien chuckled.

"Of course, but this time let's go with our friends." Marinette still couldn't remove the thought—the nightmare that kept haunting her. You guys are just friends!

"Yeah, totally," Chloe said as she walked closer to Adrien. At least he and Marinette won't be alone. I got a feeling that Marinette likes him too!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

That day was so great, besides the fact that Chloe tried to get closer to Adrien. Hmm, maybe Adrien really did want to hang out with me, and not just because of Lucas. Speaking of Lucas, I wonder if he's okay. Marinette walked inside the class. Ah, today will be the day we present our project. She took her seat and looked around.

"I'm going to do attendance, and then after when we're all settled, we'll begin the presentation," the teacher explained. "Oh and also, tomorrow I won't be here so you'll have a substitute."

The students all nodded, and she began the attendance. People were talking wildly, shouting, talking loudly to their friends. But then Marinette realized something. Something... Weird.

Chloe had her head bent down on her desk. It was the first time Marinette had seen Chloe like that. Usually Chloe would be talking loudly, bragging about how she's got it all.

"What's with her?" Alya asked, noticing Chloe too. In fact, it wasn't only the two that noticed the girl like that. Half of the class asked their friends what was wrong with her. The other half didn't care and continued talking about things they thought were cool.

"I don't know," Marinette shrugged. She remembered the hangout she'd had with Chloe, Sabrina and Adrien. Perhaps she's upset that Adrien ignored her. Chloe does also have a crush on Adrien, and even almost have the same problem as me.

"Whatever," Alya rolled her eyes. "She'll figure it out. The first weird thing I noticed was that Lucas is not in school today. What do you think is wrong?"

I almost forgot about Lucas. Why isn't he here today? Doesn't he know today is the day we do our presentation?

"Maybe he'll come. He's probably running late," Alya said, then added, "like you do. In fact, don't know if you've also noticed this, but Adrien seem to also run late too."

Marinette shrugged. It didn't really come to her mind, and she really didn't bother with it.

Then they suddenly heard a thud from up.

"What was that?" Alix asked. The class also stopped talking and started looking up. This came again, even louder this time.

"Hehe, Ladybug! Chat Noir, I have come to get my revenge!"


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