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I stared at Peter, "what?"

"Yeah, I mean, everyone's hiding something. You know what I hid so it's only fair."

"I didn't agree with this Peter."

He nodded and started walking back to our class, who were getting ready to leave.

"Come on, please."

"No, Peter."

I looked up at the tour guide as she explained what we were doing next. I shook my head Peter and denied his pleading eyes. Peter gave up and sulked as we continued walking with the group.

Peter gave me another begging look and I sighed. I might as well bullshit my way or of this. I raked my brain for something to say.

"My mom used to live in the bad area and when I was born I had a free pass down there. I was one of their own," I lied right through my teeth.

It was true that I got a free pass over there though, almost everyone down there knew I had powers and they all trusted me full heartedly. When they found out I had helped one of their own escape from an abusive relationship I got pulled in.

I loved them though, they all seemed hard and rude but they cared a lot about each other. They were kind of like a family, a family that I managed to become a part of.

Peter looked down at the floor, "I never knew my mom. Do you still live with her?"

I shook my head, "I live with other people now."

Peter nodded his head and we fell into a comfortable silence. I glanced over at Flash only to see him staring at something in the front of the crowd.

When I looked up I saw Tony Stark, the myth and legend. He was beaming at the group of kids. When he noticed Peter his smile grew, somehow.

"Hey, Petey boy! I didn't know you were here," Tony said to the kid. Peter stared at Tony in shock, silently begging for Tony to stop. Tony didn't. He kept spouting nonsense about how Peter should come around more often.

I looked around Tony, who was blocking my view. There stood most, if not all, the Avengers. I felt my heart rate pick up. If they found out that I, (Y/N) (L/N), was here in all my teleportation glory I would get beat up.

There was only one avenger who knew who I was, and the news quickly spread. The avenger was Bruce, by some magic he managed to see my face. But when he told the others they didn't believe him and now only he knows who I am.

I shrunk away, feeling threatened by all the people in the room. All the people in the room who could expose me. I stared at the Avengers, hoping and paying that Bruce wouldn't recognize me.

Luck was not on my side. Peter had grabbed my wrist, causing me to flinch violently which did not go unnoticed by some of the Avengers, and pulled me closer to him.

"Tony and others, this is my friend, (Y/N)," Peter gestured to me. The Avengers, Bruce especially, stared at me. I gulped.

Nothing went unnoticed by the Avengers. Bruce nods to Tony, who looks at the others and mouths a few words I could make out. Soon enough, all the Avengers were crowding me.

They asked question after question. About who I was, where I lived, anything. It was clear to me that they were trying to make me freak out, to make me use my powers.

I took a few deep breaths, answering as many of the questions as I could, "my name is (Y/N) (L/N). I don't know my parents. I don't have a hero name, I'm not a hero. I also don't have a villain name, I'm not a villain either."

Peter paused and looks at me, shooting away the other avengers. He asks, "wait, you never knew your parents?"

I shake my head, "nope. Never even seen them. Never talked to them or anything."

"Are they dead?"

Wow, thanks, Peter.

"I'm not sure. I know nothing about them."

Peter paused and looked away. I stare at him. After a minute or so, he turns back to me, "the other kids saw that."

He looks mortified but I just say, "that they did."

He looks down and put his hands to his face, "oh my god."

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