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TW: cursing, mentions of drugs, alcohol, and sex (not smut/smutty).
Anything with * is someone thinking because italics isn't working.
(Y/n)-your name.
(Y/l/n)-your last name.
This is my first Wattpad story.
Thank you frenchKitty20 for editing this.
Evan's POV
"Have you been writing those letters to yourself, Dear Evan Hansen this is going to be a great day and here's why." my Mom said sarcastically while picking up the two day old glass of water on my nightstand.
"I started one." I lied, I haven't written one of these letters since I broke my arm.
"Evan it's your first day of senior year, can we try to have an optimistic outlook?" she added.
"I guess." I mumbled.
"Ugh, just have fun and make some new friends." she said.
"Ok." I said in a quiet voice.
*Idontwamttoidontwantto, Jared, Connor, Carmen, Veronica, Zoe, Jeremy, Michael, and (y/n) are fine.*
"Oh! I know, take this maybe you could ask some of the kids to sign your cast." she said while handing me the sharpie.
"Perfect." I said bluntly.
I began to gather my things and head to school.
"I love you." my Mom said.
"I love you too." I added while walking out the door.
I swear I heard her say something but I was so nervous the only thing I heard were my own thoughts, and generally that's never a good thing.

Connor's POV
"It's your senior year Connor you are not missing the first day." my Mom, Cynthia Murphy the biggest wacko in the neighborhood said while pouring herself a cup of coffee.
"I already said I will go tomorrow." I grunted, taking a sip of my milk.
"Look at him, he's probably high!" said my dad, Larry Murphy, the biggest shithead corporate lawyer.
If anything my Dad was right, I woke up at 4:20 a.m. And smoked the biggest blunt.
"He's definitely high." Zoe said while dumping cereal into her bowl.
*Shit she's right.*
"I don't want you going to school high Connor, and I don't want you taking the holographic flask either!" my Mom said.
"EuGH." I put my head on the table.
"Connor finished the milk!" Zoe said while peeping into the now empty milk jug.
"Wow Zoe, that's so fucking sad. Alexa play Despacito." I said in a pissed off voice.
"Ok, playing Despacito by Daddy Yankee and Luis Fonsi." the computer's  voice echoed across the room.
"CONNOR!" my Mom yelled.
"You know what I'm leaving." I said while grabbing my things.
"Yep I better head out." my Dad added.
"Yeah same." Zoe said while getting her giant fucking guitar.

(Y/n) POV
"Bye Aunt Heidi love ya." I said while running out the door.
"Bye (y/n) have a good day!" She added.
Heidi Hansen, my aunt. I moved in with her after Mom overdosed and Dad got killed in a car accident. I never really knew my parents. My mom died when I was 3 and my dad was killed when I was 5.
"EVAN!!" I yelled.
Evan Hansen, my cousin, basically there whenever I have a shitty conspiracy theory at 3 a.m.
"GAH! Oh (y/n) h-hey I-uh sorry I didn't wait." Evan said.
"No it's fine really." I added.
"So, are you excited for senior year?" I said.
"Uh y-yeah I guess I'm just kinda nervous." he replied.
"Don't worry Ev I'm just as nervous as you are, but I'm sure we will more than survive." I added.
"Yo (y/l/n)!" Jared yelled from his doorstep.
Jared Kleinman, your best friend since like you were a fetus.
"Sup fools."Connor added.
*Connor's so fucking high. Holy shit.*
Connor Murphy: I became friends with Connor because I was next to him in the science fair and his project was, well, interesting to say the least.
"Hey (y/n)." Zoe said.
Zoe Murphy: I met her in jazz band, and after I found out she was Connor's sister I was shooketh.
"Hey guys what's up." I said.
"I don't know but holy fuck Murphy is highhhhhh!!" Jared said.
"Fuck you." Connor replied while flipping Jared off.
*Fucking knew it.*
"Connor please, school hasn't even started yet and your already being an ass." Zoe pleaded.
Connor gave Zoe a dirty look.
We were all silent.
"So what did everyone do over the summer?" Evan said in attempt to break the awkward silence.
"I almost got laid." Jared said.
*Jesus motherfucking Christ this boy can't go one day without thinking about sex.*
After like 10 minutes of chatter and stories we finally arrived at Westerburg High.
"Are you all ready?" Zoe said, looking at the four of us.
"Nope, but we have to go." I replied.
And in the blink of an eye we were there. I see the populars already tormenting some poor kid, the Heathers and Plastics giving each other dirty looks, and the best people ever getting their schedules, Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Carmen McBride, and Veronica Sawyer. Those four people combined with Jared, Connor, Evan, and occasionally Zoe is like heaven. We all got along so well and I couldn't ask for better friends, we all help each other when our mental health is being an ass and we all have each other's back. Then I see a short blonde haired motherfucker with a red streak appear in front of me, one thing came to my mind.

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