The Surprise

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It had been a few days since I showed up at Klaus' house. I stayed at Boarding house since they signed it over to Elena. It was a safe house for all of us. No vampire could enter the house without an invitation including Mikael. This put Klaus' mind at ease. I am now 5 months pregnant. 

I had met Elena for the first time yesterday. She is dating Stefan but to be honest, she is more Damon's type. I could tell Damon loved her just as much, if not more than, Stefan. We had talked for the first time and to be honest I can't stand Elena. Maybe it's my hormones but she complains to much and stringing both of my brothers along just pisses me off. Then she made a remark about Klaus that pissed me off and my brothers didn't appreciate me holding her against the wall. 

Oh, I forgot to say that Kathrine 'got loose'. Actually Damon let her out but she thinks she out smarted us and got loose. Klaus wants to get rid of Mikael once and for all. Klaus was on his way here to show me a surprise. I can't wait to see what it is. Elena entered the family room, as I was writing. "Where's Stefan?" I smiled. "Killing bunnies, should I tell him you dropped by?" I said sarcastically. She didn't appreciate that but I didn't appreciate her. I had also met Caroline and Tyler. I liked Caroline but I wasn't so sure about Tyler yet. He was one of Klaus' hybrids and I didn't know how to take that. 

She shook her head. "Why do you hate me so much?" I was getting a little angry or maybe it was just hormones. Seeing how you could now tell that I was pregnant with my baby bump growing. "Let's see. You called my fiance the devil incarnate. Which by blood you were calling my child Satan's child. You string both of my brothers along. And seeing how you look exactly like the girl that wants me and my baby dead, I have every right in the world to hate you. Now if you would do me a favor and kill over, that would be greatly appreciated." I walked towards her, counting off my fingers as I said this. I heard the door open and shut. She said "Your a bitch, I'm not stringing your brothers along. I'm with Stefan. And if your child turns out like you then it will be the spawn of Satan." I ran up, grabbing her by the throat. "At least my child will kill you. No wait I think I will save it the trouble." I went to sink my teeth in her throat when someone pulled me off of her. I looked up and saw Klaus. 

"Love, you know you aren't supposed to kill her." He stated. I rolled my eyes and said "Let me guess you are in love with her too." Elena stood frozen. He smiled and lowered his head a little putting his hand over his mouth laughing. "No, love, I need her to make protection for you and our daughter." I sighed. "If I promise to stay in the house, then can I kill her?" He shakes his head laughing. "Then how will we keep Mikael out of this house?" I sigh then look at Elena with daggers.

Klaus takes me by the hand and leads me to his Tahoe. I hated this thing, I'd much rather be in my truck. We finally get to the Mikaelson home and he leads me inside and up the stairs. What kind of surprise could it be? Could it be sex? I would love that right about now. What can I say? I'm pregnant and I have pregnant tendencies. He stops in front of a door and says "Are you ready?" I nod and hold my breath. He opens the door and walks in. I see the best nursery of all time. He had paintings on the way, that I know he done his self. He had a crystal mobile, and a white crib with a rocker next to it. It was beautiful. I started to tear up. "Do you like it?" I nodded holding my mouth. It was beautiful. "Thank you. How? How did you have the time for all this?" He had been going from boarding house to patrolling for Mikael. He had a full slate but yet he still had time to make our daughter a nursery. I smile and grab is waist wrapping both hands around it. "I love it, Nik. Thank you." He smiles and kisses my lips gently. 

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