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I awoke the next morning with the absence of Klaus' arms around my middle. I felt empty, maybe he just rolled over in his sleep. I turned and saw where he laid last night was empty. I saw a piece of paper in his place. Just like old times. He always left me a note if I was still sleeping when he left the house. I sat up, which was hard with my belly, and picked up the note. It read on the front. 'SAMANTHA'. I always loved his handwriting. It was like calligraphy. He took time with each letter to make sure it was beautiful. I opened it up and it read 'I had to go check on things at the home that will one day be ours. Rebekah is busy today so go shopping. My card is on the bedside table. Make sure you get something nice, I have a surprise for you tonight. always love, Niklaus.' A surprise? What kind of surprise?

I watched red bird outside my window, when I heard someone behind me. I turned to find Stefan in my doorway. "I was asked to go with you while you shop." He said as a statement. I had to know Klaus wouldn't let me out by myself. I smiled to my brother and noded. "I need a shower first. I will meet you in the family room." He nodded and walked away from the door. I walked to the shower and adjusted the temperature. I have gotten where I can't stand completely hot water. It almost burns my skin. So the water was lukewarm as I got into the shower. I stood there letting the water run over me as my memories of everything ran in my head. One in particular stood out. 


Klaus and I had gotten into a fight. The first fight we ever had. I had a best friend, Maria. She and I went everywhere together. Klaus had said that he needed to speak with her and then the next morning she was found dead. I had found her with her through ripped out and the blood completely gone from her body. She was the only one that I could talk to no matter what. I ran back to the compound and into Klaus' room. He was painting a picture. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He turned to me as I yelled at him. "What are you talking about?" He had a grin on his face so I had known that he knew what I was speaking of. "YOU KILLED HER! WHY?" He stepped toward me and I saw a pained look on his face. "She was a witch, Samantha. She was going to kill you." He was talking nonsense. Maria would never harm me in any way. She was my friend and like my sister. "You're lying." I almost whispered. He was angered by this. He had told me when we first started dating that he would never lie to me. He would never do anything to harm me in any way. "DID SHE TELL YOU?" I looked confused as he said this. Tell me what? "SHE IS YOUR HALF SISTER!" I looked at him and anger flowed through my body. "AND YOU KILLED HER! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?" He came and grabbed both my shoulders so I could see his eyes. "I am no monster. I am only trying to protect you. I saw a threat and I took care of it." I jerked from him. "You no longer have to protect me. I will no longer be here for you to protect." I ran out the door and past Elijah. 

*End of Flashback*

After I washed, I got out. That was the first time I had left Klaus. After I had done the research, Klaus was right. She was my half sister. I was saddened for years by this. He killed my best friend and sister. I got dressed while I was in my thoughts.  I dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a flannel shirt. I made my way down to the family room and Stefan was on the couch reading a book. I cleared my throat. "I'm ready to go." He put his book down and ushered me to the door. 

I kept wanting to ask a question, What had happened to Guiseppe? I did not want to cause Stefan any pain though. He was the closest to father. Always had been. We got in my truck. I love this truck. And I drove to some clothing shops. We went the whole way in Silence. Something was on Stefan's mind but he doesn't want to ask. I got out the truck and he followed suit. I put my hand on my stomach as I walked into the maternal clothing shop. They had some really cute clothing. I saw pinks, and purple, Blues, and greens. I picked a few dresses out and a couple of pairs of pants with shirts to match each. I saw Elena outside with a man. I turned to see Stefan tense. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked at me and said "Go in the back and call Klaus now." I looked confused and did as he asked. I walked to the dressing room and pulled out my phone. I let it ring until he picked up.

"Hello, love. Having a fun shopping trip." I smiled at his voice. "Yes I am thank you. But Stefan is in front of the store and told me to call you. I don't know what I am supposed to tell you." He sounded confused when he asked "What was the last thing you saw?" I thought. "Elena and an older gentlemen. Must be her uncle or something." I heard Klaus say stiffly. "Did Elena have long or curly hair?" I thought hard for a minute. "Um, Curly. What does her hair have to do with anything?" Klaus growled. "You and Stefan get home now. Do not leave the house for anything." I was confused. Why does Elena have to do with me being a prisioner in a house without him? "What's going on, Nik." He sighed and sounded angry. "That wasn't Elena, it was Katherine. And the man she was with was Mikael." I dropped the phone. 

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