Chapter Seventeen

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"Darling, you're all I ever wanted to be".



I could hear the already upbeat music before even entering her apartment. I was sure that, that was the sound of Hayley Kiyoko's voice. I knocked on the door, adjusting in my hands the things I was holding. The door flew open and her small frame greeted me.

"Hunty!" she yelled, using that goddamn nickname she used non-stop.

"Youngae, how are you doing?" I asked her, walking in her apartment. She shrugged, sticking in her mouth the lollipop she was holding.

"The usual," she said, her voice altered by the candy she was sucking on. "Place them there," she added pointing at the empty space opposite of her couch and went to lower the volume. Yeah, that was Hayley Kiyoko singing.

I steadied my tripod where she had showed and placed on it my sketchbook. Then I pulled out my pencils and charcoal and looked at my friend. She squeaked and came to hug me.

"It's been so long!" Youngae moaned. "I'm sorry I had to make you drive here. I came back yesterday and I wanted to spend time with my little goyangi," she said, pulling her cat –goyangi was the only word I knew in Korean and it meant cat- to her lap. "Yes, baby, momma's back," she whispered to it. I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Anyway," she went on, taking off the only piece of clothing she wore, a long t-shirt that reached down to her thighs, "how have you been doing?" she asked and went to lay down on the couch.

"Um, could you actually put on underwear this time?" I asked her, starting to sketch the couch she would be sitting on.

"Sure," she replied and sat up again to go to her bedroom. "Lingerie or normal?" she called out.

"Lingerie?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I have this hot, lacey one".

"Okay, great," I told her and waited for her to come back. "Well," I started after she lay down again, her one leg falling off the couch, while her one hand stuck in her layered brown hair. Her other hand was on her lower abdomen, two fingers underneath the lacey fabric. She had a wanton expression, her lips parted, her lollipop still stuck between them. Her eyes half-lidded had an inviting spark in them. "I found my soulmate," I told her, answering the question she had asked a few minutes ago.

"No fucking way," she replied, keeping her expression the same despite being surprised. Freaking models.

"Yeah... and I have been meaning to ask you something about that".

"Shoot," she said, barely moving the candy in her mouth.

"How do you do it? How do you date someone who is in the closet?"

"What do you mean?" she asked me, her expression wavering for a moment.

"Like I know how to deal with him being in the closet, the insecurities and the fear, but dating him... sometimes it's hard. Not being able to touch him, be close to him and kiss him in public. Having to go on dates far away..." I explained.

"Well, does he plan on coming out at some point?" she asked me.

"I guess. He came out to my father and to a few other people he's comfortable with. But his friends won't accept him, neither will his family..."

"So, he's not ashamed of himself?" I nodded negatively and then seemed skeptical.

"Don't frown," I told her and she returned her expression to the one she used to have. "I asked him that too and he said he's not".

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