Chapter Twenty-one

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"I kiss the corner of your smile, and I can taste the laughter in your soul".

~J. S. Parker


"Mix the eggs with the vanilla and the sugar all together," I told Alex, who looked over the ingredients before us.

"And you'll do what exactly?" he asked.

"I'll melt the butter and the chocolate chips in a double boiler and then we'll mix it with the egg mixture. Finally we'll mix it together with the flour and baking powder and in the end, we'll put in the chocolate chips. Didn't you listen to me before?" I went on, repeating the directions to him.

"I'm sorry, I've never done this before!" he exclaimed, making me let out a huff.

He went on to follow my instructions, looking more focused than he probably had to. Baking cookies was something we did in my family like almost every month. Aurora loved the chocolate ones with chocolate chips in them. But, being barely tall enough to reach the kitchen counter, she always ended up watching me and my father do them. Not that she ever complained, seeing as in the end, she ate most of them anyway.

I was scooping up the last bit of the batter when Alex came up behind me and hugged me. His lips found my pulse point and I took a jaded breath.

"I kinda feel bad for kicking your dad and Aurora out of the house once again," he said against my skin.

"Don't. They had a birthday party to go to anyway. The fact that was the same day as our three-month anniversary was pure luck," I replied and moved against him. Taking the hint he took a few steps back and I pushed the baking tray in the preheated oven. After closing it I turned to look at him and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, don't laugh at me!" he said defensively.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I said back, still laughing. His hands and face were covered with melted chocolate and flour. With vengeance, he pushed his hand into the empty bowl that used to hold the mixture and then he ran it over my face. I was left with my jaw hanging. "Now you're in for it," I yelled with a sideways grin and trapped him with my hands against the kitchen counter.

"In for what?" he asked with an innocent smile. At once my lips found his neck and I started sucking the skin, not caring if I broke it. I pulled back, once he let out a pained moan, only to move to another spot and repeat the whole thing.

When I felt happy with all the marks I had left, Alex wasn't able to stand without holding onto the kitchen counter.

"If my parents see these..." he muttered, his voice hoarse.

"You shouldn't have annoyed me," I replied and turned to the oven to check out the cookies. They probably needed a few more minutes.

"Yeah, like you didn't enjoy doing this," he said closing his eyes for a moment. "Damn, they are throbbing!" he exclaimed and I laughed. Bringing his one hand up he put it on the left side of his neck, where three hickeys were. I was sure the spots were burning up.

"They'll probably last for the next week or two". He just shook his head hearing me.

"You're unbelievable".

"I'm pretty sure they are done," I told him and turned off the oven, ignoring his note. "Come on," I added, opening up the door of the oven and then leaving the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" he asked and walked out behind me as I was taking off my shirt.

"We're both dirty. Let's take a bath," I said looking over my shoulder and winking at him.

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