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Jisoo was shocked by the sudden opening of the door. Her eyes widened when she saw Jennie standing there and crying.

Jisoo quickly approached her and hugged her but Jennie softly pushed her away.

"Don't you dare hug me, or get near me!" Jennie shouted at her. She glared at her and made Jisoo but her lips. She never saw Jennie this mad.

"What happened, Jennie?" Jisoo asked and did what Jennie wants, she didn't take a step. "Why are you crying?" Jisoo asked.

"Why don't you ask yourself, Jisoo," Jennie said. "This is what you wanted right? Me, getting hurt. That's what you want right?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo gulped with what she said. She prepared herself for this but she doesn't know what to say. Jennie was right she planned to hurt her.

"I treated you like my sister, Jisoo," Jennie said while sobbing. Jisoo takes a step forward to hug her but Jennie steps back. "You're my best friend and my sister, how can you do this to me?" Jennie asked, she waited for Jisoo to speak but Jisoo didn't utter a word.

"I thought I won't find out" She added. "By the next morning, I want you out my place. I don't want to live with you anymore" Jennie said and walk her way to her room.

But before she can walk to her room Jisoo grabs her wrist. "It's not Lisa's fault Jennie-" But before she can finish her sentence. She forcefully let go of her hands.

"I don't want to hear any explanation from the both of you" Jennie shouted and runs to her room.

Jisoo heaved a deep sighed before sitting on the sofa. 'I'm sorry, Jennie' She whispered all the emotions she felt while crying.

Lisa waited outside the room of her father while she fidgets her legs, Rosé said that her father had a heart attack again.

Her legs stop fidgeting when Rosé place her hand on her legs. "Relax, they will save him," She said, and Lisa nods.

She was worried about her father but her mind is on Jennie too. She heaved a deep sighed before massaging her temple.

Both of them stands up quickly when the doctor came outside her room. "What happened, Doc?" Lisa asked.

"We're able to save him, Ms Manoban. We suggest to have his heart transplant, he rejected it when he consulted me before. But I want you to talk to him, it's the only way we know how to save him" The doctor said. "Please talk to him inside. We'll be back and get both of your final decision" The doctor said and left them both.

Rosé caress her back, "I'll wait here," Rosé said and softly pushed Lisa inside the door.

When Lisa walked in, she saw her father smiling at her and open his arms for a hug. Lisa promised herself not to cry in front of her father but she failed and her tears streaming to her face

"Hush now, baby girl," Her father said while brushing her hair. "I'm okay now" Her father assured her.

"I got scared, daddy," Lisa said and sobs. "Don't leave me"

After Lisa stopped crying, she sits next to his bed and her father wipes her tears away. "Such a crybaby," he said and giggled at Lisa.

"Appa, why did you rejected their option," Lisa asked and her father's smile turns to a sad smile.

"They give me options, but I choose not to. They said that if the operation succeeded, I cannot do what I can do now. I'll forever need to take care, and it won't assure a 100%, not even 50" Her father said. "I don't want to be a burden with you forever, I want you to enjoy your life" He added.

"You're not a burden to me, Appa. You're my father, and taking care of you is my responsibility. It's our only option so I can be with you for more years" Lisa said and sobs again. Her father brushes her thumb on her cheeks. To stop her from crying. "Please, I want to try everything to save you" Lisa added.

Her father weakly smiled at her. "Just promise me that, you'll be okay if it won't succeed," Her father asked and Lisa looked at her.

Lisa stares at his eyes before nodding. "I can't promise to be okay right away, but I will be okay" Lisa stated and just in time his doctor arrived.

"Mr Manoban, have you change your mind?" The doctor asked. Her father smiled before nodding at the doctor. "I know she can change your mind. I'll prepare the operation as soon as possible" The doctor said.

"I want to do it in another hospital" Her father asked and both of them looked at him and waited for him to continue. "It's not that I don't trust you, I want my friend to do it" He continued.

Lisa raised her eyebrow on confusion. "Lisa I met him abroad while I was away, he's a doctor too. I asked him before that if ever something bad happened to me, he will save me" Her father said.

"But we need to do the operation as fast as possible, we don't know yet if he can be here at the time you needed," The doctor said, Lisa, agree with him and nodded.

"Than I'll fly to him and have my operation, it's the only thing I want," He said.

"Doc, can he board a plane?" Lisa asked the doctor and they both waited for his answer.

"On his results, yes, it's possible. But you need to do tomorrow to save him. I'll fix everything you need here, and Lisa, book a flight now" The doctor said, her father smiled at the doctor and thanked him for allowing to fly.

When he looked at her daughter, she saw how Lisa smiled at her. "Thank you, Appa," She said.

Jennie wakes up with swollen eyes, she's been crying all night. She thought that she wakes up, everything will be alright. But she was wrong, she still feels the pain in her heart. The pain on how the two most important people in her life break her.

She went out of her room to get some water. Her throat feels dry. But she stopped at the stairs when she saw Jisoo sitting on the sofa and staring at her.

"We need to talk," Jisoo said.

Manoban's Revenge / JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now