Chapter Three - Eva is Having a Bad Day

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“I think she likes you.” Chloe said snickering. I stared down the hall as Jessica’s screams began to die down as she started sobbing. I glared as I saw a few more nurses ran into her room as Nurse Kelly walked out looking slightly flustered. She dusted off her dress and walked back towards the rec room. I looked over at the clock on the nurses’ station. 9:55. It was almost time for group, but knowing her she will start it early. I sighed and looked over at Eva, who turned seeing Nurse Kelly, and groaned.

“Time for morning group.” She said bringing over various chairs and putting them into a circle formation. I slumped over and got up, reluctantly pulling my chair over to add it to the circle. Chloe sat next to me, pulling her skinny legs on the chair and hugging them to her chest. Kalen took the new girl, Arya’s hand, leading her to the circle and sitting next to each other. To be honest I had no idea why he was being so nice to her, he wasn’t one to warm up to people easily. It took me and Chloe a week before he would even say hi to us. I slumped down in my chair. I saw Nurse Kelly walk down the hallway’s, knocking on everyone’s doors to let anyone who was still in there room that it was time for morning group.

I saw one of my best friends in this dump, Evan Cruz. His short brown hair was full of knots and he was pulling on his shirt as Nurse Kelly ushered him out of his room. His brown eyes caught mine and he let out a little smile. His button nose slightly creased as he did and his left eyebrow lifted. I felt my face get red as he stumbled over to the rec room. To be honest he was completely gorgeous and ever since the day he came into the hospital I felt connected to him. The therapist said we had ‘shared psychosis’. It meant we each had become similar in our mental status, or mental breaks really. It was true, we did slightly feed off of each other, often having similar episodes. Though I didn’t like calling them episodes, it sounded so crazy. I just called them bad days.

Evan passed the table Sage and Les sat at and they threw their playing cards at him as they got up. Sage knocked his chair down and reluctantly walked to the group. Les sat next to me, pulling the chair around and sitting on it backwards. I was hoping Evan would sit next to me, and I saw in his face he was disappointed. So he sat next to Kalen instead. Nurse Kelly left Alex to sit in the hallway; she didn’t bother him with the morning group usually.

Once we were all present Nurse Kelly sat down, a large security guard behind her for precaution. I moved my bangs out of my eyes, wanting to go back in my room to fix my makeup in hair. I hated mornings, and morning groups even more. How many feeling can you have from when you fall asleep to when you wake up? It was all worthless in my opinion. Most of us have been here over a year, and nothing has helped. I’ve just accepted the fact that I’m going to live here for the rest of my life, my parents are dead and it’s not like I have any siblings to give a shit about my existence.

I sighed heavily, crossing my arms. Nurse Kelly opened her notebook, looking over the notes she had taken from our last group. I began wondering if the other nut jobs in this place had to deal with this stuff, or did they just let them go on with banging their heads against walls and eating crayons. I felt myself begin to get angry, and I knew this was not going to be a good day.

“We have a new patient joining us today, if you didn’t already know.” Nurse Kelly began saying as she crossed her bony legs and motioned to Arya.

“Last group we were talking about the power of self-control. And I know with Jessica’s sudden episode this morning we are all a bit shaken up, but we all know this happens occasionally and we’ll have to get used to it.”

I knew she was just saying that because of the new girl was here, usually we didn’t acknowledge each other’s psychotic breaks. To be honest that was one of the things that kept us from hating each other, we tried not to judge what we all did. How can you judge other people when you’re in a fricken mental hospital?

I took a deep breath, getting more and more agitated. I wanted to go to my room and just ignore everyone. I began tapping my fingers on my knee, running my other hand through my hair. Nurse Kelly began talking and I started tuning her out. I stared down the hallway and thought about just getting up and walking down to my room. I mean, Jessica gets to miss morning group, why can’t I?

I stood up, tired and wanting to go back to sleep.

“Nurse Kelly, I’m going to my room.” she stopped mid-sentence and looked over at me. I heard Les began to snicker as the vein in Nurse Kelly’s forehead pulsed. She got tired of us so easily, if one of us acted up she got pissed, but now two, she might just die. I honestly wished she would.

“Mrs. Smith, please sit down, you may not go to your room, your fine.”

“No, no I’m not fine. Jessica gets to be in her room.” I said, putting my hands on my hips. I saw her shift, sighing heavily. The others didn’t say anything, I knew they were slightly glad that they didn’t have to be interrogated about their feelings by Nurse Kelly.

“If I don’t get to go to my room, I’m going to cut myself.” I said now crossing my arms. Nurse Kelly pinched her nose and the large man walked over to me, putting a beefy hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to sit back down. But I wouldn’t budge.

“If she wants to leave, let her.” Evan chimed in, running his fingers in his hair trying control his bedhead. I nodded, shrugging the hand off of me. Les and Sage began full on laughing as the others just zoned out. i attempted to walk out of the group circle but the large man grabbed my arm, preventing me from moving. I tried prying his hands off of me.

“Let go!” I began screaming, tugging my arm away. Les began hitting the metal of the chair as she started cheering along with Sage. The rest started laughing and Nurse Kelly got up, motioning something to the large man. He suddenly picked me up and I kicked him right in his man jewels. He slightly buckled and I pulled away from him. I started laughing as I backed away from where he was groaning, only to be met by another very large man, who picked me up bridal style, preventing me from kicking him in anyway. I attempted to bite him but the man I had kicked regained himself and got up to help keep me still as they walked down the hall. I was glad I got my way; they were taking me to my room. But I didn’t stop fighting; I did not like the fact that they were being so rough with me.

I looked over and saw that we passed my room door. I frowned and kept kicking harder, screaming that my room was over there. But when I saw Nurse Kelly and her assistant come out of the nurses’ station with gloves on and a small needle I knew exactly where they were taking me. the others knew too, they began getting louder and louder, trying to distract Nurse Kelly from doing what she was about to do.

They took me to the last door in the girl’s hallway. It was the solitary confinement room.  I started scratching, biting, kicking, punching, anything to stop from being put in there. I fought even harder when Nurse Kelly got closer to me with her needle. I felt the small prick as I started to scream. After the warm liquid was injected I felt the will to fight decrease, the will to stay awake as well. my eyes began to droop, no matter what I did to try and fight it. they placed me in the room, leaving and locking the large metal door behind them.

I stared up at the white padded ceiling as my eyes betrayed me and I fell into blackness.

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