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"I cannot believe it. We're all doomed. All because our leader, who is supposed to protect and lead us has no common sense!" – remarks a voice.

"Is our Daimyo not a man? Does he no longer desire women?!" – yelled a voice.

an assortment of Noh masks appeared from the darkness.

"I wish I lived in any other domain than this one..." - remarked one of the masks

"Unreliable. Unfit to be a leader."

"If only his father didn't die so soon!"


"Sacrifice of many for his broken heart – Our leader is a woman!"

"Ho ho ho ho– ho ho ho ho"– The masks laughed in a monotone manner and the laughter increased and multiplied and eventually the masks disappeared.

"Ho ho ho ho– ho ho ho ho"– The masks laughed in a monotone manner and the laughter increased and multiplied and eventually the masks disappeared

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Disoriented and dizzy, Daimyo, Ryuuichi Tanizaki found himself in his room. The stench of alcohol overpowering and a strange feeling of guilt weighing down on his heart.

He weakly got up and stumbled out of his room.

"Brother! Why are you?!"–asked Yayoi in shock and disgust.

"Ya...yoi... what ... happened ...last night...?" – asked Ryuuichi, weakly, holding onto one of the doors to his room.

"Do you not remember? the Shogun arrived in town. There was a festival. My goodness! Did you really get so drunk?!"

"I don't remember... anything..." – replied Ryuuichi.

"You need to control yourself better!! Getting so drunk; you're going to cause a scandal! What kind of Daimyo goes out and gets inebriated like some washed up Samurai?!" – Yayoi started yelling. "Why would you go out of your way to ruin your plans like this?!–"

"Yayoi!! Shut up!!" –yelled Ryuuichi. This stunned Yayoi since her brother never spoke to her in such a manner before in their lives.



Ryuuichi mulled over in the tea room, trying to gather and collect his memories from the previous night but to no avail. He could not remember anything. He burned some incense sticks to help him remember.

"Ryuuichi sir, you have a visitor: Akimoto Hiranao of the Hiranao clan..." – said a maid from behind the doors.

"Let him in" –   replied Ryuuichi, reluctantly, whilst still putting pressure on his temples.

The door slid open and in stepped Akimoto. The door slid closed behind him and he sat down in front of Ryuuichi.

"Did you do it yet? When will it happen?" –asked Akimoto.

"Did I do what? When what will happen?" –fired back Ryuuichi while his face was still in his palm.

"Did you promise your daughter, Tsubaki's hand in marriage to Yamada?" –asked Akimoto, calmly.

"To be honest, ...I don't know" - replied Ryuuichi.

"Huh? come again? What do you mean by 'I don't know'?!" - asked Akimoto.

"I mean I do not remember anything from last night!" - replied Ryuuichi.

"Pardon my tone; but what do you mean?! I observed you last night; you didn't drink too much!" –asked Akimoto.

"That is enough, Akimoto! I am not in the shape to argue! I am still trying to recollect my memories but I'm completely blank!" – yelled Ryuuichi.

"But still ... we need to affirm whether you've offered her hand in marriage.  I've heard Yamada Hanayama is still here and has taken lodgings. you know what to do to save the domain..." – informed Akimoto. After a short while of Ryuuichi's silence: "Excuse me" –Akimoto got up to leave the room.– "I forgot to mention; I heard toads around the palace despite the loud festivities. Many, many toads..."  –He left the room.

The incense finished burning; no memories followed the smoke...


(Short) The White Camellia, The Green SnakeWhere stories live. Discover now