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Strict discipline and the ways of mankind and the world!


Over the months, Daimyo Ryuuichi Tanizaki had fallen in love with his new companion, Hanaebi.

Tsubaki's rage simmered down but she refused to talk to her father.

After Ryuuichi had Hanaebi's elders executed in her presence, Hanaebi agreed to marry Ryuuichi after the heads rolled. This was a seriously controversial move since social mobility was strictly prohibited, even for the artisans of the era.

Tsubaki was only tended to by her Kindai Sanba until the Kindai passed away of old age. Afterwards, Hanaebi got through to Tsubaki. Since then, Tsubaki was able to leave the palace once again under the condition that Hanaebi would accompany her.

"What was her name...?" – asked Tsubaki. "She would never tell me. My father didn't want her to..." – she added.

"Shijou Baba" – replied Hanaebi.


Koto music filled the Autumn air around the Palace of Tanizaki. The Daimyo's new wife accompanied his daughter regularly since Shijou Baba's passing.

"I wish Tsubaki would come to me about her womanly needs." – said Yayoi, looking out a window.

"I don't know what happened to that girl." –replied Ryuuichi.

"That girl...huh...". –said Yayoi. "Say, it is no secret that you and that Hanaebi woman consummated your marriage, h –"

Yayoi is interrupted as Ryuuichi threw a sake tokkuri* her direction and it smashed against the wall.

"Brother?!! Wh –Why?!!" – screamed Yayoi in shock.

"Don't you ever call her 'That Hanaebi woman' ever again!!! She's family!!! One more slip up and I'll have your head served to her!!!" –Ryuuichi yelled at her.

"Brother!! How could you!!" – Yayoi ran out of the room.

"Sake!" – roared Ryuuichi.

"As you wish!" – One maid went to pick up the shards and another got him a new tokkuri.

Ryuuichi sat in the same place, with a deep-rooted malice. One of the maids poured his sake into his cup as he stared blankly at the pouring alcohol.


A dozen horses with men on them arrive at the Domain of Daimyo Tanizaki. The townspeople observe the beautifully decorated march along the dirt roads up to the town area that surrounds the palace.


Ryuuichi Tanizaki, 'Hana'(Hanaebi) Tanizaki and Tsubaki sat at the further end of the great hall, the end facing the entrance. Yayoi, Akimoto, Ryuuichi's advisors and all the high-ranking people of his domain sat on either side of the great hall further from the entrance of the room, which slid open to reveal one of the maids who announced:

"Master, Shogun Yamada of the Shikoku Shogunate is here for you". – She bowed.

"Welcome." – Ryuuichi greets Yamada.

"My, it has been so long since I've last seen you!" – said Yamada. "Why did you cover the koi pond in Kiku**?" –he asked.

"All the lotus and all the koi have suddenly perished one day." – Ryuuichi replies.
He looks behind him and notices 'Hana' whispering to Tsubaki, who in return gives a smirk and chuckle. He lately noticed this been going on a lot, Hanaebi whispering to Tsubaki.

"Ah, I've come bearing something for you, Sweet Tsubaki".  – Yamada said as he noticed Tsubaki.

"Come forth!" – he yelled through the hallway leading to the large hall.

Suddenly, seven men marched into the room, each with a woven basket filled with beautiful Strelitzia flowers. Everyone in the room were in shock and surprise.

"On one of my recent journeys to Inca, I've discovered these plants growing on rough parts of the land, bursting with these gorgeous, unique and exotic blooms and could only think of you, Tsubaki." – he said as he got down on one knee in front of her.

"Do you accept my offer?" – he asked her.

"No!"  – She yelled out almost immediately before getting up and leaving the room through the back doors.

"Tsubaki!! How could you! I'm so sorry, everyone!" – Ryuuichi yelled and then apologized to everybody else.

"Dearest, let me talk to her!" – Hanaebi got up and went after Tsubaki.

Ryuuichi excused himself and went after them. On his way he runs right into one of the servants with a tray of tea, causing her to drop it and break the entire ceremonial tea set which in return, causes Ryuuichi to step on the shards, cutting one of his feet, causing him to roar in fury and fall over.

Hanaebi looked behind to see what was going on. She saw the moment Ryuuichi got back up, pulled out his Katana and struck down upon the servant, maiming and killing the servant.

"Oh my god!! Dearest!! what have you done?!" – yelled Hanaebi.

"I... I" – Ryuuichi stuttered.

At this moment, Hanaebi runs towards Ryuuichi, avoiding the shards and suddenly kissing him, reaching right into his clothes. As she is kissing and groping him, he notices she is so turned on... she is so turned on by the cruelty he showed towards the servant... and...despite this shocking revelation, he was turned on by her response...

The guests waited in the great hall. Some whisper. Shogun Yamada looked back at his men, signalling them to put the flowers away. Whilst everybody were waiting, Ryuuichi and Hanaebi were engaging in intercourse in her room... the bedsheet smudged and smeared in Ryuuichi's blood.

Toads surrounded the pond. Toads sit under Hanaebi's window.

Ryuuichi grabbed on her bedsheets and roared, tensing his legs and buttocks. At that very moment, a branch of an Acer tree outside her window broke and fell, covered in thousands of toads.

At this very moment, something inside Ryuuichi awoke...

A half-hour later and after Yamada left the hall, Ryuuichi and Hanaebi returned to the grand hall. Ryuuichi donning his late father's blood-soaked garments.  Some of his advisors and Yayoi gasp in horror for they've seen it before; the garment Ryuuichi and Yayoi's father died in.

"Brother!!! Why?! What are you doing?!" – Yayoi whimpers.

"Hmm... hmhmhmhm" – he chuckled as he sat down with Hanaebi.

"If anyone has a problem with my conduct, tell me right now and I will advise my sword on the matter. Is that clear?!" – he told the entire room. Hanaebi felt him up through the garment, giving a sinister glare and smirk to those in the room, embracing her cruel new husband.

As Shogun Yamada returned, he was surprisingly unfazed, he was actually enjoying the sight of the new Ryuuichi Tanizaki.


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