Night of Champions

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Christie P.O.V

"Babe it's 9:30, time to get up."

Roman rubbed his eyes and just wrapped his arms around me again. I thought I wasn't a morning man is way worse haha. I reached back and gripped him and he jumped.

"Hey! Stop that! I know you cant get enough but at this rate you might break it."

"Get up then. Before our families think we're sleeping or having morning sex."

"Have we ever tried that?"

"Im gonna go shower while you think about that."

~Fast Forward~

"Jen just texted me, she said they'll be ready in 30 minutes."

"Okay. So you know what I just realized, we never talked about the pay-per-view, like just one on one. This is the biggest night of your career."

"Thanks babe. That extra pressure is just what I needed"

"That's not what I'm trying to do, it's just I want you to just stop, babe stop and look at me."

He took both my hands and gestured for me to sit down.

"Babe I just don't want to think about it cause all the pressure from this match will make me go crazy and get all nervous."

"I just wanted to be able to tell you how proud I am of you. No matter what happens tonight. I know you and AJ are gonna put on a hell of a show. I know you can beat her."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do! You work so hard and give 110% every single time you step in that ring. You deserve to have that record. All I'm saying is, its yours to take, go get it. But enjoy every minute of this day."

He kissed me softly and I stood up, deepening the kiss.

"That's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you."

"I love you Christie. Now c'mon let's head out."

* * At the arena * *

Sandra: Okay Christie the shorts are not working, your stuff are all out.

"It's not that bad ms. Sandra..I think it will be okay."

Diane: Christie your butt will be all out. My daughter is not dressing in that.

"Mom, I'm not a child. I think i know what works for my body"

Jenny: Clearly you don't.

"Shutup Jenny. Don't you have a son to take care of?"

Roman: her husband is taking care of him. Don't be so rude to your sister, cause I agree. Can you bend over in that?


"Try it then.... yeah stop we can already see too much. Now you take that outfit from Sandra and change missy."

"You tell her Joe, I'm glad you agree. "

"Mom! Don't do that I--hello, you're here! I'm coming right now! Jeff & Matt are here. I'm gonna meet them. Come on Little Joseph let's go. I'll wear your sweater to cover up."

We rushed backstage and finally found Jeff & Matt. I hugged them and they greeted Roman too.

Jeff: it's so great to see you both. I apologize now that matt is here.

Matt: I used to work here too, someone has to keep you under control.

Roman: Well Matt it's nice to meet you, I know how much it means to Christie to have you here.

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