Confession...of love

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Christie P.O.V

"LAYLA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!!" I have never been so furious with Layla, but I knew in my heart I was more scared and worried than upset, and was taking a lot of it out on Layla.

Layla: "IM SORRY!! You know I wouldn't have done this if I knew you got to know Roman in that way. the way, I would've known if either of you texted me and let me know you were going to the gym.." She trailed off.

"What did you just say??" I was about to run at Layla, which caused her to flinch and close her eyes. But Eve grabbed my arm, holding me back.

Eve: Look Christie I know how upset you are and Layla does deserve it but now is not the best time for this and it won't solve anything.

Layla: I know you're mad but we have to find Seth fast! After I told him you would go out with him he was saying how excited he was to tell Dean and Roman...

"This can't be happening!"

Eve: Let's go, we don't have time to waste!

And with that we all sprint out the room searching for Seth, hoping he was nowhere near Roman right now.

Layla *thinks* I screwed up bad, but I was only trying to be a good friend. Please let this all work out.

**Meanwhile CM Punk at the mall**

Right now I'm looking around so I can get sparklers, blankets, food, a picnic basket, rose pedals and fireworks. I'm going to reenact our date on the beach; this was the date I asked out Christie. I remember how much fun we had and it was a beautiful night. No matter what it takes, I've got to make this date perfect. But I've got to do something to make this time extra special. And I know exactly what to do.

*Punk buys everything he will need, drives back to the hotel and goes to his room to put everything in a safe place*

"Now that I've got everything I need, there's only one crucial part; getting Christie to agree to this date..Maybe I should go look for her now." *Leaves room*

--OhNo, Punk is searching for Christie while she is searching for Seth, who is searching for Roman. And let's not forget about the mystery man that stalks Eve. If you were able to follow what I just said you know this means Trouble!! Now back to the story.--

No P.O.V

The girls were speeding through the many halls of the hotel, it was much harder than they thought it would be to find Seth, so they had no choice but to split up. They planned what they would do when they found Seth before they split.


Eve: I've got to hurry, where could he be? She said as she began walking slowly down a hallway. Then suddenly she felt hands on her waist; she smiled a bit thinking it was John. Until the person pushed her until she was up against the wall. At this moment, she knew exactly who it was.

??: Hey Eve! I missed you, have you been trying to avoid me

Eve was so scared, he always made her uncomfortable. I mean who wouldn't be even the slightest bit intimidated by Ryback.

"P-Please let me go, I have to go and do something, I-I don't have t-time to waste." She stammered

Ryback spun Eve around making her face him. "Aw Eve I'm hurt, you don't have time for me." He looked her in the eyes and she kept trying to avoid eye contact, causing him to hold her face in place. "I think you need to make it up to me Eve," he looked down at her lips then back at her eyes "and I think you know exactly what I want." Eve tried to get out of his grip but he way way too strong. Eve thought about what she could do.

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