The army is worst than the streets

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I will be honest with you, I didn't expect the army to be that bad. After all I had been through. I dealt with blood and violence everyday, so I didn't exepect it to be so hard on me. I was wrong.
The moment I stepped out of the car I looked at the famous London base I was at. There were at least two thousand people there. The hole thing was a chaos. An explosion waiting to happen. People moved from here to there before me and they didn't stop.
"Privet get your things and move to compartment three o one." Said a random guy in tinted clothes.
I was pushed with the mass of people to a large building with only one guy waiting for us.
I wasn't myself right now. Too much had happened. The only thing I could think about was Delarge. How I wanted him to be here, hold my hand and wisper in my ear how it would be nice to kick everybodies ass. But he wasn't. I had to handle myself alone. After a long speech we were sent to the place we would sleep. I was sent to cabin 24678.
The moment I walked in was the first time I regreted coming. There were eleven other girls. However they had already made their beds, put on their uniforms and were unpacking. Decipline. The word rebels like me, Alex and Tyler feared. Oh crap. I walked slowly to the last bunk that was the only one left. I thorugh my bag on the bed and did everything to look as solid as I could.
"What a bunch of dicks" I heard Delarge voice sound on my head. Get out. I am not insane. Not yet.
I put on my clothes and was half way making my bed when a guy walked into the room and everyone stood by their bed in position. What was happening? Should I do that as well? Too late now. The man walked pass all the bunker beds until he got to me. His face was oddly familiar.
"What is your name privet?" He spoke quiet smothly to me.
"Rebecca Johnston, Sir."
"Why are you not in position Privet Johnston?"
"Because I didn't recieve any instructions. I can't read anyone's mind. And what impresses me is that, we grown so much and our army stratagy is still like the old movies? Come on."
"Privet Johnston would you like to die?"
"Maybe. I am already in hell, afterdeath can't be that bad." I could hear the other girls hatred towards me. Oh organized people. Why do they hate messed up people so much?
"Do you think your funny privet?"
"Not at all. I am realistic, sir."
"Get in position."
I did as he said.
"You need to be quicker. Your bed is not done."
"Oh well I can't do beds quickly."
"Learn how to."
He started walking the other way, but stopped a bit further from me.
"Oh and do send Alex Delarge my greetings."
I freezed in the exact place is was. Now I remembered him. When you pass your nights hitting people, stealing and fighting you end up in a police station every now and then. It's not like I got arrested any of the times it happened. They only got me in. I cried and said they hit me and they would let me go. However there was this one stinking cop that always doubted me. He always looked at me wierdly. He always knew.
"How do you know that name?"
He stopped and looked back. I remembered him from the police station. He was the one that wanted me to stay there.
"Well don't you think I would know you started dating? You and little Alex are pretty famous around the cops."
"Don't you dare mentioning that name."
"Or what? You are mine know Johnston. There is nothing you can do."
That was to much. I jumped on him and hit him as hard as I possibly could. The other girls took me away but it was enough to leave him with a few cuts. I cracked. I lost too much already. My house, my friends and Delarge. Now this skank came and mentioned the thing that I miss the most and think that I will stay quiet? He knows who I am! He knows what I do to people who get on me nerves! It was in the end all his fault.
"Ladies I want all of you up for training at exactly two hours."
"Sir yes sir." Everybody scremed as I only stood looking at that bloody bastard.
Training my friends took six months. We trained and trained and trained. We learned strategy and everything. I learned how to use a gun. How to not be noticed once I am in enemy terittory. And lots of other things. A word that would sum up the six bloody months? Hatred. I hated the army and the army hated me. I was rebelious, extra-violent, I didn't obey anyone and I had no knowledge of higher power. I was my own boss and that was something they weren't willing to accept.
Then real field came. That was hell. I went to Asia with some other girls from training. You would never guess but the police guy named Richard went with us. Already on the plane he came at sat next to me.
"What do you want?"
"You were one of the best you know?"
"On what?"
"Training. You are fierce. And you were also one of the best on the streets. You would be the best if ut wasn't for that boyfriend of yours. He was the real terror. However, he helped us a lot. I don't know how many gangs I found laying helpless on the floor because of Alex Delarge. He was like a trophy to us. Who ever arrested him would be remembered. A guy named Jim actually did. But when he got out of jail before he should was when we all knew. Alex Delarge can not be contained. It doesn't matter how much we try to chace him down or beat him or arrest him or take what he loves the most away from him. We will never get to him."
The tears were rolling down my cheeks. I missed him so much. I missed so much it hurts to think about him. It hurts to remember his smell. It hurts to remember how it felt to have his body against mine. And it hurts how it felt to be with Alex Delarge.
"You really loved each other didn't you?"
I just nodded. He left me alone to think about what would my life be after I came back to London. Whould he be there? Or maybe he moved on? In the end how could I know? And the awnser was, I simply couldn't.

Sorry for the other chapter guys! That is not the end! I will still do some war chapters and even go a bit further than that showing more of Rebecca and Alex, if you would like! Thank you so much for the support guys! I love this fic so much and I am glad you like it 😊

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