Coming home

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Five years passed. The five long years that tormented me so much finally came to an end. I passed by three more countries during this time: Canada, Ireland and Australia.
Ireland was the most peaceful. Full of intresting people with intresting stories and intresting bodies. I couldn't care less about their bodies, though. I was so close to England I couldn't even imagine how could I fail to grasp it. So while all my soldier friends we're geting laid, I was laying alone. However, I couldn't say I didn't have a good time. I did. I met the passionate people with the crazy stories and even made some friends, since I had even crazier stories. The best and only good time I had during the war was when I was there. One day, however, a piece of glass manage to scar my face as I jumped through a stores door to hide from the enemy.
I got shot in Canada. Bullet went right into my stomach and for a few seconds there I actually thought I was going to die. In what I thought were my last seconds everything I could think was that maybe if I died I would see Delarge again and you know what? I came to peace with it. Next day, I woke up in cold sweat with a terrible pain on my stomach and they told me I was okay.
Then two years latter the war ended and we won. I remember looking at the Australian sky fill up with fireworks. I had tears in my eyes as people all around me celebrated. All I could think was whether there was someone waiting for me back in Great old Britain. I hated my parents and even if they were there I didn't want to go back to them. I wanted my friends to be there but none of them could really take me in. In the end the only person I wanted to be there waiting for me was Delarge and I didn't even know if he had already moved on. However, for a few seconds there I forgot everything and just looked at the beautiful sky all lit up. Later my friends and I went out and "partied" as they called it. At that time we forgot of everything we saw, all the lifes we took and all the people we lost and didn't even know. At that moment we just danced, drank, screamed and talked. as if nothing had happened. As if everything was alright. Surprisingly I loved the friends I made. Quite unusual of me don't you think?
Finally the day came. The day I would return home. Home. I smiled as I thought about it. I never thought I would actually return home. I sat on a plane for a whole day coming to Bath a little city near London. Sat another few hours on a car coming back. The whole bunch of people in the car screamed and sang and laughed. I guess everyone misses home, no matter how hard we try to hide it.
Our bus was the last to arive. It was a complete chaos once we got at the station. People getting bags, parents hugging kids, boyfriends kissing girlfriends, friends saying good-bye. I already had my bag with me and was looking desperatly for the boy with the bowler hat.
As I scaned the crowed and didn't see anything I was already losing hopes. Had he died? Had he forgotten me? Was he mad at me? But then all those troubles went away as I saw the most beautiful back in the world.
"Delarge?" I asked not quiet believing what was happening. Maybe he wasn't there at all and I was imagining he was.
"Johnston!" He screamed turning with a smile on his face.
"Delarge?!" I screamed once again not sure about how to react.
I left my bag and ran to him. So we kissed. Oh that kiss... I missed it so badly. His lips, his scent, his body. I missed it all.
"Your hair is short." He said laughing and passing his hand through it.
"Yeah they made me shave several times. And shaving all the colors went away. I just didn't let them shave the black one."
The black piece already looked ridiculous. A little black part on a long piece of five year old hair. He reached for his black piece and I couldn't keep the tears away.
"I thought you were not going to come. I thought you had forgetten about me."
"I would never forget about you. I love you Johnston."
"I love you too Delarge."
Absolute music. Oh how had I missed all of this delicious maddness for those five years. I couldn't even believe that I had my bow hat boy back.
He grabbed me by the hips and we went away from the army. I gave a final glance to what my life had been through the war. I couldn't even believe it had finally ended. I couldn't possibly imagine I would make it through. Turns out I could and I did.
"Are you alright there, Johnston?" Delarge asked looking at me.
"Better than you could possibly imagine." I responded with a big smile on my face.

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