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Clint woke to gentle rumbling against his ear and warm skin pressed to his cheek. He grumbled, not hearing what kind of sound he made as he reached over towards the bedside table for his hearing aids. A hand dropped them into his palm. Clint yawned as he fit them into his ears and turned them on.
The room came to life with rustling sheets, birds chirping distantly, and Bucky's soft chuckles. Clint was now half sitting, half laying on Bucky which was awkward and uncomfortable so he twisted to his side and cuddled into Bucky's shoulder.
"Mornin', dollface," Bucky's voice was warm with hints of amused.
"Don't tell me you woke me up before nine again," Clint's blinked blearily up at him.
"It's 8:30," Bucky admitted before quickly pushing his lips to Clint's to muffle his whining.
Clint easily melted into Bucky's embrace and was almost able to forgive him. He slid a hand up into the tangled mess of Bucky's hair and gave a sharp tug. Bucky's lips were pulled from his with a wet pop and a betrayed groan.
"That's for wakin' me up so damn early," he groused and gave another small tug. "And that's because I like the little gasp of yours."
Bucky smirked and brushed Clint's hand from his hair before leaning back with his hands on the back of his head.
"I knew you'd be mad at me soo.." his voice was strained as he leaned over Clint and reappeared with a steaming mug.
"Ohhh, I knew I loved you for some reason," Clint breathes and gently took the mug from Bucky. "You're definitely forgiven."
He took his first sip with a hum of satisfaction, coffee so strong it'd even get him jittery with just a splash of half and half. He tipped the cup back further to gulp a bit more down before Bucky pressed a finger on the rim and pushed it from his lips.
"Breathe between sips," he chided lightly and plucked the cup away to take a sip.
Clint watched, happy and content. He didn't even share his coffee with Nat and that was saying something. However, there was more than one time on a mission where they'd have to share a toothbrush because Clint can barely put underwear on let alone pack sufficiently.
Bucky licked his lips before passing the cup back to Clint. He managed another coffee flavored kiss before Clint could start slurping the coffee again and gracefully rolled out of bed.
"You enjoy your coffee, I'm gonna go shower."
Clint gave him a wink over the rim of his mug, his chest tight with happiness as he watched Bucky walk out of sight. Goddammit, he loved that man.

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