This is chapter 2 right??

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The spell lead to a door I knew was the right one. I pushed open the door. "Another one? Class it seems we have another useless appendage to the student school body. Introduce yourself to the class , and say what you want know because after this I don't want to hear another sound from you!" An old snake like women hissed in her gravely old voice. "Hello my name is Y/n I hope we get along , and by get along I mean nobody posted me." I announced to the class. I scanned the room for place to sit. While scanning I instantly noticed Did and Zim It scared me a little, but I was also excited.
"YOU! Under ground classroom!" Miss.Bitters pointed to a student behind Dib.
3rd pov.
Y/n walked over toward the desk behind Dib. she sat down behind Dib she saw him turn his fat head around and whisper "PPPSSST!" "Hey you seen that green kid over there? You probably won't believe ,but that green kid is an al-i-en. He plans to conquer Earth ,but there sense in warning you since no body really believes me." "I believe you , it's pretty obvious that the green kids an alien." Y/n replied. "Really!? you believe me ? Wow somebody really believes." Just then the bell for lunch rang.
time skip because I don't want to retype.
Y/n sat at Dib's table which only had Gas,Dib, and Y/n. "Hey, Y/n are you into the paranormal?" Did asked. "Eh, not really , but that doesn't mean I don't believe , I just don't care much for it." y/n replied. "Well, this is sister Gaz." He pointed to his right.
"Why don't you say hi Gaz?"
"Eeh" was the reply Dib got from Gaz . "This is Y/n Gaz, she believes me!" Dib said.
" Uhm, this might be a little out there, but I need a place to stay, too live. Maybe I can do something in exchange to live at your home. In a way, Your paranormal is my normal; Dib, I'm a witch. I could tell and teach you things a witch such as my self knows. Deal?" I explained. "Deal, but why do need to stay at my place? Don't you have a place of your own? Also how do I know you're really a witch?" He questioned. "I'll explain more ay your place after school , ok." Just then the reccess bell rang , signaling lunch was over.

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingWhere stories live. Discover now