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"Coff , coff, What are you crying about human?" I heard Zim say just waking up probably. "W-Waffle, h-he's---"

"Just fine! Look, Waffle is going to be ok," Zim said as Waffle started to get up, fluttered his wings and said," Where am I?"

"I don't know Waffle."

"Did Waffle say something?" Zim asked, but I ignored it as I saw Gir dancing around with the moon lizard," LOOKIE IT'S THE SHINY---MASTER YOU'RE ALIVE!" With that Gir threw the moon lizard object and ran to Zim jumping up to hug his head,"GET OFF MY HEAD!" I heard Zim scream , which made me chuckle.
The moon lizard object landed in front of me, Waffle crawled over to inspect aswell.

"Butterfly? It's---What?"

Then the lizard which was bigger than me and waffle came alive uncoiling itself from the diamond moon.

The golden lizard looked our way and hissed in a soft spirited voice," Ay x fly x ay x yea II mrzaqver x rzbaqk mrzyq x mno x II." Zim came over with Gir following behind whom had been telling him his story," And then I flew like a puppy wit' tha' fishes, we had salty sodaaa--- AHAAAHAAHA--- with a chubby gorilla fish."
Zim obviously ignored Gir, but I thought Gir's story wasn't all that bad, interesting. I like how he tells his story with that fun jumpy cute voice of his.

" Quit it, it just wants us to follow it---" " she," interupted Waffle. "Ok, I mean she , not it. Also how do you know that Waffle?" I didn't get a response from Waffle whom seemed to be lost in thought. Zim picked us up in a hand as the golden lizard crawled onto the dark stone door.
================3rd pov
"Rzmr x grezavqywoe x," said the golden lizard circling a moon shaped hole in the door. "Zim, the moon on the floor!"

"Eh,Uh, Oh, Oh! The moon," Zim picked up the moon placing it into the hole it fit into. As soon as it was placed, the door opened. Past the door was another room similar to the previous, dome like with vines, but music was playing. A wooden boxy piano with a person resembling a witch was playing it.

Neither of them recognized the song, but Y/n took note on it being classical and soothing. On the piano bench was what appeared to be a woman, but her face was covered in black scarves ,and her big pointy wide hat with a dark blue ribbon on it. Along with what appeared to be a black shaggy looking sweater, one an old woman might wear. From under her hat along toward the side poked out two black long rabbit like ears flatted. It looked weird, because where the womans ears should be there were those ears sort of laying back. On the top of the piano there was a pile of music sheets, and a ceramic cup. Gir followed Zim whom was following the golden lizard to the witch. "Ay, hola, hello, whatever language you speak, but I assume you both are able to speak English. Mno, have a cup of tea. II have all kinds, pepermint tea for your travel?" She said in a womanly voice, a sort of hoarse voice. But not old, tender and sweet, but polite .
The woman never stopped playing.

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