ethpage 20

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A/n Wow page about 40 already. I kind of consider these 'chapter' as 2 pages. I'm a little surprised any one would bother reading this. I aplaud anyone who followed through the story , because it's my story , and I know it's the best. I am enjoying writing this even though it might suck I'm not gonna leave the story because it's horrible. Now continuing with the story.
Zim's pov
Finishing a waffle I noticed Y/n fell asleep on a waffle. Scooping her up gently in a cupped hand I went to the couch where Gir was watching a cartoon. I saw Waffle come flying after Y/n , I was about to swat Waffle until I remembered that Y/n seems to enjoy that fly's company. The fly seemed loyal enough . I slumped myself on the couch with Y/n laying on my stomach with Waffle. I shoo'ed Waffle away because Waffle is still a disgusting fly. Waffle was disheartened by this action, and went to the top of the couch back cushion to rest for the night.
'I should work on returning Y/n to her original size, but I think I'll keep her like this. She'd have many uses staying this size , I could use her to spy on Dib, or gather things in places where I don't fit. Especially with Waffle, they could sneak into places such as Earth labs that Y/n mentioned that may contain viruses to develop off of. Plus keeping her this size means I will remain the tallest, she would have to obey me; since I could squish her if I wished, er not that I would. Right now I suppose I could sleep for now ,though Irkens don't really require sleep,' I thought as I let myself fall asleep.
The next morning I woke up, it was monday early morning. I heard Y/n yawn and awake. "I'm going to school, but I'm unsure of if I should leave you here with Gir. Gir would most probably squish you like a squishy, toy, thing," I said. " Maybe I could come to school with you , I could ride on Waffle; who would see me anyway at this size?" She suggested while petting Waffle on the palm of my hand.
"I suppose you can come, but stay hidden!" I put my contacts and wig on, and went out the door with Waffle and Y/n on my shoulder. 'In a way I guess I have gained not one 'ally', but two,' I thought.
When I got to the school I went to my classroom sitting in my front row desk nearest to the door. Waffle had moved with Y/n to my lap under my desk to stay hidden, especially from Dib.
Y/n pov
Eventually the lunch bell rang, Zim got up to walk to the cafeteria, this made Waffle fly quickly, but I told Waffle to follow Zim. I noticed Dib was looking our way ,"Hey , Waffle try to stay out of the sights of the kid with the lighting bolt hair. I don't think I'd want him seeing me flying on a fly." As expected Zim didn't eat his food, but Waffle seemed more than happy to try eating it for him. Dib came out of seemingly nowhere, but I heard him , but thinking it was another kid. "Hide, wouldn't want Dib finding you," Zim whispered to me. Waffle didn't of course because Waffle can't hear, and I didn't tell it. "What have you and Y/n been up to space-boyy? I couldn't help but notice a fly was on your shoulder coming to school. There seemed to be something on the fly. Do you know why Y/n isn't here today?" Dib asked skeptically. I saw the milk carton I had hid behind being lifted up I almost fell. "AHA! I knew it, she was shrunken." " How did you 'knew' Dib!?" Zim asked. I saw Dib reaching a hand toward me, "WAFFLE!" Waffle flew towards me , and I hopped on it. We were getting better at flying together. The whole cafeteria zoomed everywhere as I passed faces , colors seemed almost a blur as Waffle flew away from Dib who was now chasing us. Turning my head quickly I saw Zim chasing after as well, to stop Dib from catching me.

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