The password

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'THAT ASSHOLE!' Sam slammed his computer shut and stomped into the living room to find Steve.
'He changed the password on my laptop! We gotta go wake him up!'
Steve looked up from his spot on the couch and took a sip of coffee before asking, 'What?'
'Barnes! That inconsiderate dickbag changed the damn password before he turned himself into an ice cube again!' Sam noticed Steve's flinch, but cut him off before he could start telling him off with a speech full of earnestness. 'Before he decided to put himself back into the cryo chamber until his trigger words could be decommissioned. THERE is that better?'
Steve rolled his eyes and took another sip of his coffee.
'Well maybe if you hadn't hidden his left boot for a week this wouldn't have happened.'
'Steve! I only did that because he turned all my white clothes pink by putting that dirty ass red Henley in the wash with them!'
'Okay, okay' Steve set his coffee down and turned to face Sam. 'I get it. You're both twelve. Maybe if you had taken more than 30 seconds to get to know each other you could have been friends.'
Sam opened his mouth to reply but shut it quickly as his brain supplied him with the image of the way Barnes looked with his lips red and swollen from kissing asking Sam, "can I-"
Okay, brain that's enough of THAT.
'You're probably right. But we didn't and I hate him and his dumbass long hair.'
Sam's brain supplied him with the memory that James liked it when Sam wrapped his fingers around his hair and pulled, just hard enough.
Steve cleared his throat, snapping Sam back to himself. 'Well go get your laptop fixed. I'm pretty sure we aren't going back to Wakanda any time soon.' And stood up to go get himself another cup of coffee

'Okay sir. We've figured out the password on your laptop. It's "wait for me". Cute! Do you have a girlfriend who is going away? That's very-"
'No! No. Um, thank you.'
Later at home Sam stared at his reflection in his black computer screen. He turned it on and went to type in his password. Barnes was a real asshole alright

'Will you wait for me?' James was drawing circles into Sam's stomach. His head pillowed on Sam's chest with Sam's arm holding him close. 'I know we didn't get off on the right foot. But I've never known anyone like you and,' he sat up and looked Sam in the eyes 'you make me feel worth it.'
Sam pulled him close again and ran his fingers through James's hair.
'Yeah. I'll wait for you.'


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