An old one

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Sam stumbles out of bed to getting his phone wanting to see who the hell would be calling him at 3am "Hello" he mumbles half awake, Not bothering to read the name.

"Sammy!" Bucky screeches excitedly, causing Sam to jerk the phone away from his face. "Sammy, baby, I just found the best thing I've ever seen. Otters"

"What, James Buchanan Barnes! are you serious, you wake me up at 3 in the goddamn morning to tell me about otters?"

"Yeah it's totally worth it, they're so cute and adorable there's videos of them playing and splashing around- Oh my god there's a compilation of them hugging people, I gotta go" Bucky says happily before hanging up, Leaving Sam confused and concerned for Bucky's sleeping schedule.

A few days pass and This time it's not 3am when Bucky calls him, nah it's 4am waking sam up an hour earlier thanks would usually get up to go running, and Sam is definitely not okay with it.

"Hey baby" Sam greets masking his annoyance

"Holy hell,Sammy! Did you know you can learn how to use with nunchucks online?"  Buck says excitedly, "I gotta get me a pair of those, it'll be one hell of a party trick"

Sam takes a few seconds to process his boyfriend's words before responding, "I think I liked it better when you were watching otters hugging"


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