Young love,

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(Sorry about that. I encourage you to reread it, as I added a lot more than I meant to, I hope you enjoy)

Sam had left James and Steve at Avengers tower to get to know each other again and for James to be introduced to the team and get used to being his own person again. The last he heard is that Stark was upgrading James' arm again, this time he was thinking of putting in a laser in it. which James was over the moon about and Steve was about to have an aneurysm over.

The first day back at the tower they almost had to use to a crowbar to separate Tony from James' arm but James had no problem with him. He knew that Tony wanted to help him and he loved having input and final say on what happened with his arm.

That's why Sam nearly had a heart attack when he came home from work to see James sitting on his couch in the living room reading the 3rd book in the Harry Potter series and toting with his combat knife at 8 p.m. on a Friday. 'Oh my God, What the hell are you doing here?' James turned to Sam, looking him up and down before going back to his book. 'Your security is shit.' He shrugged 'My what- my security? The hell are you doing here Barnes?' James got up and came to stand in front of Sam with only a few inches separating them.

There were three things that Sam learnt for himself right after meeting James and spening time with him properly on his own time:

1) He has next to no concept of personal space

2) He has some serious puppy eyes and he is not afraid to use them and

3) he has a smile, smirk and grin for different occasions.

However, right now the look Sam was getting from James was proud, if now sly one. Right after moving into Avengers tower James had cut his hair back into the style he had it before he had Died, and Sam must say,  the pictures in his history books did not do James Barnes justice. James shrugged his shoulders,  'Steve and the others are off on some world-saving mission and I didn't wanna stay in the tower by myself, so I thought I would visit' Sam interrupted 'housebreak.' James squinted at him. 'Vist my  favourite person in the world.' James said now smiling.

Sam would admit that despite almost having a heart attack, hearing that he was James' favourite person made something warm blossom in his stomach. 'How did you even get here?' Sam asked eyeing James' waistband where his knife sat not so subtlety. 'Miss Potts, er, Pepper had business nearby so she offered to fly me over on Stark's jet. She's really nice.' James grinned which was infectious as Sam found himself smiling at his open happiness.

'Ok, so now that you're here, do you want to catch up?  I'm sure I've got a long list of TV shows and movies that you've missed. We can order pizza.' Sam asked as he moved further into his apartment to set down his messenger bag. James followed him, 'Can we not? Everyone at the tower has been catching me up on 70 years of everything I missed. I need to go out and do something, I don't know, different. I don't wanna be cooped up. I wanna see how it's changed for myself.' James said he seemed a bit all over the place, but really he was just excited to be able to make his own decisions.

Sam turned and looked at him, 'alright, how 'bout I take you out for dinner, there's a new place that just opened up a few months ago. I haven't had any free time but I've been meaning to check it out.' James grinned and Sam took that as a yes. 'But, I've got to shower before we go anywhere. Stay put and entertain yourself. I'll be back in a bit.'

He didn't know what happened, one minute James was all smiles then the next minute he looked as if he wanted to devour Sam. 'If you need any help just give me a holler and I'll come.' He said with a wink as he jumped gracefully over the back of Sam's couch and landed in the middle before turning on the TV to a documentary on the history of tattoos. Sam stood staring at him for a few seconds wondering where the hell that came from and if he could really survive being friends with James Buchanan Barnes.

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