Chapter 1

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(Your POV)
I needed to catch my breath,but I kept running,I ran into a small cabin in the woods I tried to hide,but..he found me,as he got closer and closer more tears fell down the side of my cheek, he raised his arm with a sharp knife in the palm of his the knife was about to enter the side of my head I woke up.

"It was all just a dream" I sighed in relief,
"Y/N BREAKFAST IS READY!!" Yelled my Mom, " I'm coming Mom!!" I said while rushing down the stairs, The smell of perfectly cooked bacon filled My nose.
I quickly ate since I still had to get ready for school, I put on my (F/C) Hoodie to cover my scars,and slipped on my black ripped jeans
"Mom what time is it?!" I Yelled down stairs to my Mom "Its 7:55!" My mom said
"Shoot I'm gonna be late!!" I said while I trembled down the stairs and went out the door,'thank god I'm just in time for the bus' I thought to myself while climbing into the bus.
(No Ones POV)
(Y/n) sat at the back of the bus minding her own business until she noticed a girl staring at her
(Your POV)
"What are you looking at?" I said to the snotty looking girl "oh just a bag of trash" said the snotty girl dressed in pink "Oh..well I'm looking at a snotty future hooker that can't keep her eyes off of a so called 'bag of trash'"

The snotty girl turned facing her window for the rest of the bus drive.

(No ones POV)
The bus has finally stopped at the school and (Y/n) got off the bus peacefully

(Your POV)
'I hope today isn't as bad as yesterday,but since it's Friday it should be fine' I thought to myself
'I better get to class'

*fast forward to lunch*

I walked to the bench I usually ate my lunch on and my bullies followed me

"Hey loser,Where's my money?" Said the leader of the bullies

"I'm not giving you anything!" I said in a stern voice

*kick* " Oh? is that so?" The bully leader said while she kicked me again but this time in the stomach which made me let out a little whimper

"Haley,Please stop" I said while tears went streaming down my face

"Not until you hand Over the money!" Haley said

I looked away for a quick second and caught a glimpse of a Tall figure watching me getting bullied

*Haley kicks You in the stomach again*
"Answer you worthless piece of shit!" Said Haley

The same pain I felt before got x20 worse and I almost screamed because of how painful it was

"Fine" I said while handing over $10

"Thanks See you Monday!~" Haley said while skipping away with my money

I looked to where I saw that strange was gone

*bell rings*

'Ugh time for class' (Y/n) Thought while running inside

*Fast forward to after school*

I had to walk home because my bus driver was in a hospital with his wife.

While I was walking down a very dark street I felt the same mysterious presence...

I look behind me but no one is there

(No Ones POV)
(Y/n) Ran home because she got really freaked out about the strange presence

When she got home she locked all the doors and didn't even think about the window in her room

But she started to make herself supper since her mom was at work,And (Y/n) was left home alone.

Wow 611 words not too bad *gives myself a little Applause* 😂 Okay Bye now

See you in chapter 2! 😊👋🏻

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now