Chapter 3

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(Your POV)
Jeff led me to his room
It was messy but I didn't expect it to be clean

He had a bathroom attached to his room which was really cool

"So...what do you think?" Jeff said

'Woah he's actually being kinda nice' I thought to myself

"Besides from all the clothes on the floor..It's beautiful!" I said

Jeff started to stare at me

" are you not blinking?" I said in concern

"I burnt my eyelids off a while ago" Jeff said

"Oh..why the fuck would you do that?" I said

Jeff started to walk closer to me I kept stepping back until I hit the wall from behind me

"J-Jeff?" I said while looking at him when he put his hand on the wall  beside my head
That made my heart race

"How about you stop asking questions?" Jeff said while staring into my eyes

"How about you stop doing things that makes me question you?" I said sassily

"DONT GIVE ME SASS (Y/N)!!" Jeff yelled at me

"Well what else am I supposed to say 'oh okay I'm sorry Jeffy I'll never question you again' yeah right" I said sarcastically

"D-did you just call me Jeffy?" Jeff said

"Yeah your problem is?" I said

"N-nothing" Jeff said while his face grew pink

"A-are you blushing?" I started to laugh

Jeff hid his face in his sweater and rushed to the bathroom to hide

I ran to the bathroom door

"Jeffyyyyyy come outtt" I said teasingly

"N-no why should I?" Jeff said shyly

"Because Jeffy just come out!" I said

"Stop calling me that!" Jeff said

"I will if you come out,Jeffy" I said

I don't know why I wanted him to come out so bad,I guess I started to grow some feelings for him.. 'I mean he is cute..No (Y/n)! Stop thinking like that! He murdered your Mom for crying out loud!' I thought to myself

"P-promise?" Jeff said sounding embarrassed

"Yes Jeff please come out" I said
Jeff opened the door and walked out
He was still blushing
'Awe' I thought to myself
I couldn't stop staring at him
"W-what?" Jeff said

"Oh nothing"I said while smirking
Jeff grabbed me by the waist and said
"Tell me"
He didn't seem embarrassed anymore but I was definitely blushing crimson

"Y-you're just c-cute when you're embarrassed" I said while looking away
(Jeff's POV)
Did (Y/n) really just call me cute or did I hear her wrong?

"W-what?" I said to (Y/n) while I let go of her and looked at her with disbelief

"Y-you're cute when you're embarrassed!" She Said once more
I could feel my face heat up again but this time it was more intense and I could feel my heart rushing 'I should make the best out of this' I thought to myself
(Your POV)
Jeff was so red
He started walking closer and closer to me
Then he grabbed my waist with one hand and my face with the other
He slowly leaned closer and closer to my face
So I closed my eyes and prepared myself for a kiss I could feel his breath on my face and then

He let go of me



I said while tears started to form in my eyes

"D-did you just slap me?" Jeff said while raising his hand to touch his face

"I-I'm sorry" I said in fear

He aggressively pinned me against the wall with a knife to my neck


"I'm s-sorry Jeff" I said in a week tone

His face got filled with regret

"I-I'm sorry too (Y/n)" Jeff apologized

"Wait why are you sorry?" I said in confusion

"I-I didn't mean to snap like that" he said in return

"But I understand it's a normal reaction a murderer would have" I said

Jeff smiled and nodded

(Jeff's POV)
'I think I'm in love,I've never felt this way towards someone before...No! Stop! You're a murderer Jeff you don't have those type of feelings! Right?' Jeff thought to himself

"(Y/N),JEFF COME DOWN FOR SUPPER!!" Yelled SlenderMan

"Supper?" (Y/n) said

"Yeah uh some of our friends come here really late and Slender likes waiting for the rest of the group so we are having supper at 5:00 am today"

"Oh okay!" (Y/n) said

(Y/n) Ran out the room and down the stairs I chuckled 'heh cute' I thought

(Your POV)
I ran down the stairs in excitement 'I love food' I thought to myself

Jeff came running right after me

"Hi Slender!" I said

"Why hello (Y/n),Ready for supper?" Slender Said

"You bet! What are we having?" I said

"Well since I didn't know what you like I made a bunch of stuff! Sandwiches,Soup,sushi,Etc" Slender Said

"Wow! Thank you so much Slender!"I Said while I gave him a hug (tried to at least)

"But I have one question" I said to Slender

"What is it?" Said Slender

"Are those k-kidneys?" I said while pointing to the thing that looked like kidneys

"Yes,Those are for Ej" SlenderMan Said

"Who's Ej?" I questioned

I felt someone tapping my shoulder I turned around to see
A blue mask with black coming out of the eyes and I noticed that he didn't even have eyes
"H-hello I'm Eyeless Jack..N-Nice to meet you" he held out his hand for a hand shake and I
excepted the hand shake

"I'm (Y/n) Nice to meet you too Jack" I said and smiled

I looked over to Jeff and He was stuffing his face with food I giggled.

1010 words! Yayyyy

See you in Chapter 4! 😊

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now