Chapter 5

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(Your POV)
"Oh..well...I was thinking"I said while playing with my fingers

"Maybe...I could try to kill someone! I need to let out some anger..." I said while looking at Slender

"Well..I'm shocked! I didn't think you would be a killer!" Slender said

I looked at him as to say 'so can I?'

"Well you can but you can't go alone! You will go with Jeff!" Slender demanded

"Okay Slender!" I said

"So any certain person?" Slender questioned

"Yes,Haley Adams" I said while smirking

"Okay her address is" Slender told me her address and he gave me a knife and told me to go find Jeff


Jeff came running and said "Yes beautiful?"

I started blushing like crazy and so did Jeff

"I-I meant (Y-y/n)" Jeff said as he thought about what he just said

" would you like to come kill someone with me??" I said to Jeff

"I didn't know you kill!"Jeff said in shock

"I-I don't but I need to get some anger out on someone" I said while playing with my fingers again

"And who may this person be?" Jeff questioned

"My bully"I said while anger grew in my eyes

"Oh that girl? The one with blond hair that always takes your money and if you don't give it to her she would kick you?" Jeff said

"Yeah that on- wait how did you know that?" I said being confused

"Did you not know that I used to stalk you?" Jeff said

"No? But that doesn't matter now let's go and KILL!!" I said being a little bit over Excited

"Okay!" Jeff said in return

SlenderMan teleported us to the house since Jeff didn't know the address

"You ready?" Jeff said to me

"Yeah you get the parents and I'll get Haley" I said

"On it"

Jeff showed me how to get in her room

I waited until Jeff was done killing Haleys parents

Jeff came in the room

"Did you Kill her yet?" Jeff asked

"No.." I said while reaching in my pocket and took out duck tape

"Ooo are we gonna torture her?" Jeff asked

"You bet" I said

Me and Jeff started to tape her to her bed and she surprisingly didn't wake up,
When me and Jeff finally finished taping her down we began


I slapped Haley so she would wake up

Haley tried to talk but couldn't since there was tape on her mouth

I quickly ripped the tape off of Haley's big blabber mouth

"What the hell are you doing (Y/n)?!" Haley questioned me

"What's it look like?" Jeff said while creepily smiling

Haley looked terrified
It was hilarious

Jeff The Killer X  (girl) Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now